chapter 9

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Vivian convinced me to take some time off work. I guess that was the best idea in the grand scheme of things, I was too busy to realize that I was nearly failing my classes. I was too focused on work and other people, she told me, I don't have enough time for myself. Thats something I had never thought about before. 

I was defiantly worried to leave her alone at the shop, especially sense nothing happened to that guy. He never came back though, at least that's what Vivian would tell me when I called her when I woke up in the morning. 

"Work was fine honestly," she told me.

"Are you sure? I know you can handle yourself, it's just-"

"I swear."

"I'm just worried."

"Your worried?" 

"Yeah, what am I going to do if some psycho comes in again?"

"Work alone again," she laughed "I guess."

"But what would happen to you?"

"I-" she paused. "Your a good person Ethan, take a break for once."

I kept calling her over my break from work. I didn't care what she said, I was still worried. I was also bored. I had school I need to do, classes I need to finish, grades I need to get up. But for the first time none of that mattered.

My whole life I worried about getting out, I needed to finish school, get money, and leave. But now, it didn't matter. All I could think about was Vivian, and not just because I was worried. I wanted to know how her day was, what she was doing for the rest of it, how she was feeling, what she was thinking. I wanted to know everything. 


sorry for the short update, I didn't feel like this one needed to be too long. 

How do you guys like the new cover? lemme know! 

I was listening to a new playlist while writing this chapter and found the song Love Brought Weight by Old Sea Brigade, I don't know what its about but the way it sounds is exactly how Ethan feels about Vivian. Its also just a really good song you should check it out haha. 

ok that's it worry for making such a big authors note thing.


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