chapter 4

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Once we got a block away she pulled me into a building, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you ok?"

"Dude your bleeding," Vivian touched my cheekbone. When she pulled her hand away and it had blood on it. "Come on, I can take care of it," she said as she dragged me towards what I assumed was the elevator. 

"No, I said I'm fine. I have to get home anyway."

"Sucks, you agreed to help me, now let me help you."

"You aren't really asking, I can't really agree to a demand." She kept a hold of my wrist until we got into her apartment. It was a studio, just a bit bigger than mine, and it reflected her personality perfectly. There were tapestries, prayer flags, crystals, half-melted candles, and books everywhere. In the corner by what I can imagine being the closet was her bed, unmade, and covered in stuffed animals and pillows. 

"Nice place."

"Thanks, now sit down," she said pointing towards her table and chairs. She went into a cabinet in the kitchen area and got a first aid kit. "Does it hurt?"

"No, I told you I was fine."

"And I don't care," she took over a cotton ball, acetone, and a bandage. She worked in silence. I don't know why I asked, I assumed I already knew the answer, but I asked anyway.

"Is that why you wanted me to walk you home? The bar I mean," she stopped for a second, not because I concerned her I think, she just stopped. 

 "I had a feeling something would happen." She said and got back to work putting the bandage on. "I didn't even know it would be bad. Your just such a bland person I thought it would be interesting for you." she stood up and put all the garbage in the trash can.

"Wow, thanks."

"You can't tell me I'm wrong." She laughed to herself. "I'm sorry I got you hurt."

"It's ok, I told you I was fine plenty of times now." I stood up to put my coat back on.

"I still feel bad." 

"Don't," I told her, as she walked me to the door.

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