1. Selfish

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Eleven years ago...

I was six years old.

"What's wrong sweetie?" my mom asked.

"I want a candy bar mommy!" I yelled.

"Sweetie, daddy has the car-" My mom tried to explain.

"I want a candy bar!" I whined.

"Ok, fine, mommy will head down to the supermarket you stay here and lock the doors, okay?" My mom said.

"Okay mommy, I love you!" I said as I hugged her tight.

I waved to her as she walked down the street.

"Where is mom?" I said to myself in my room.

I walked to the living room and looked out the window, waiting for my mom. Then, I saw a lady heading down the road, skipping cheerfully.

"Mommy! Wait, mommy...? Watch out!" I tried to yell.

I saw a man come up behind my mom and he was holding a weapon, he grabbed her purse but she wouldn't let go.

"I have no money in here, let go!" She resisted.

The man yanked the purse and shoved her away. A car came driving down the road and hit her when he shoved her. He saw what happened and dropped the purse in shock. Then, he booked it.

"Hey! What have you done? You greedy man?! Mom, are you okay?" I yelled from the window.

I heard the car door open as a man stepped out to see if my mom was okay. The man turned around and looked at me through the window.

"Dad?..." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I collapsed on the floor and burst into tears, I covered my mouth with my hand. The neighbors came outside and their daughter came out and comforted me.

"I...-," the girl said.

"Don't say anything, please..." I said.

A tear rolled down her cheek while she put her head on my shoulder. Why was she crying? She looked like her heart was in pain... I looked at her as the tears came rolling down her face.

I wanted to say something but it just felt good to cry, it was relieving.

For weeks on and on she cheered me up and played with me, cried with me, I thought it would last forever. One day, she came up to me and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm going away" she said frowning, "I'll miss you". she said as she hugged me. 

Tears fell down our faces as we waved goodbye.

"I have to go now, take care"  she said as she got in the backseat of her parent's car. The car drove away and I sat there, in the middle of the road, until I couldn't see it anymore. My dad came out and took me inside because I fell asleep there, he laid me in my bed and tucked me in.

"I love you" he whispered as he walked away and shut my bedroom door.

-A few years later-

"Class, please welcome Park Yu-ri," the teacher started as another girl came in.

"Cha- Se-Yeon, you're late. Take a seat before I have you write sentences on the board." The teacher scolded.

"Yes, ma'am-" The girl started to say.

Then she looked at me with a confused face.

"Do I know you?" she said with a sad look on her face

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"Do I know you?" she said with a sad look on her face.

"I don't think so, but you look slightly familiar." I replied

"Sit down Cha Se-Yeon, now." The teacher said sternly.

Then the girl turned her whole body toward me and looked at me.

"Yu-ri?" she asked, "Is it really you?"

"My name is Park Yu-ri, may I ask how you know me?" I asked.

"I..." she stuttered, "I'm your old neighbor, Cha Se-Yeon."

I stood there in shock.

"Girls, sentences after class. Sit down!" she scoffed.

Cha Se-Yeon sighed, rolled her eyes, and went to sit down, I sat next to her

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Cha Se-Yeon sighed, rolled her eyes, and went to sit down, I sat next to her.

She took off her white sweater and dug into her backpack, she took out a notebook and a pencil. I thought she was taking notes but she was just doodling. She drew trees and a bridge over a river with two girls standing there, they kind of looked like us.

"The Korean peninsula has been inhabited since Lower Paleolithic times. According to legend, Korea's first kingdom, (then called Joseon), was founded in 2333 B.C.E. by Dangun, who is said to be descended from heaven-" The teacher said by starting the lesson.

A few hours later, after many classes.

I was walking down to the lunchroom when someone grabbed my hand and started running.  Se-Yeon? She suddenly stopped running as we arrived at a bridge over a lake. So, this is what she was drawing, I assume.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, it's been so many years, should we catch up?" she suggested.

"Of course, let's take a picture in front of the lake!" I insisted.

I took my phone out and took a picture of us.

"Hey, send that to me, okay?" She smiled.

"Oh, right, I don't have your number" I said, "Here, give me your number."

I handed her my phone and she entered her phone number. I was going to name her 'Se-Yeon' but she already named herself, 'Comrade'. I looked at her and she was making handguns.

"Pew pew pew!" she said.

We started laughing.

"Se-Yeon, you never cease to make me smile," I said.

She smiled at me and gave me a big hug.

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