5. Secure

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Recap Start

"Why are you in my neighborhood?" I asked, "You made a turn at the corner."

"Yeah I had to get the medicine" he replied, "Now stop moving I'm trying not to hurt your cut more"

I looked up at my forehead and winced in pain.

"That stings!" I yelled.

"Shh!" he said covering my mouth, "People are sleeping!"

He looked at me and realized he had his hand over my mouth and quickly moved it away. He stood up and cleared his throat.

"Have you eaten yet?" he asked.

"What?" I replied.

"You should have already eaten," he said, walking over to the kitchen, "I'll make you some food"

Recap End

He made some food and then placed it on the counter, we put on a horror movie and grabbed some popcorn. We finished the food and the movie was almost over. Hye-jun reached over after he heard a buzz coming from his phone, he then answered the phone.

"Hello" Hye-jun greeted.

"I'll be staying the night at a friend's house to complete my thesis, have you gotten home yet?" his sister asked.

"I'm at the neighbor's house, I'll be home soon," he replied.

He hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket.

"Is everything okay? You should probably head home now." I stated, reaching for the popcorn.

"You're right, let's finish watching the movie and I'll head home," he replied.

We finished watching the movie and before we realized it, we were on the fifth movie, a horror movie. As I was watching the movie something scary popped up on the screen I didn't realize I was clenching Hye-jun's arm until it went away, I let go of his arm and apologized. The movie was almost over when I got scared and screamed, Hye-jun jumped up and spilled the popcorn everywhere.

"What was that for?" I asked, lightly smacking his arm.

"You scared me!" he said, bending down to pick up the popcorn.

"Scaredy-cat, it's only-" I started to say but interrupted myself with a gasp.

I looked at my phone and he looked at his.

"4:16 AM," we both said, looking at each other.

"You finish the last 5 minutes of the movie and I'll help you clean up," he said as he put the remaining popcorn in the trash after he'd swept it up.

He grabbed the dishes off the counter and began to wash them. After he was done, he walked back into the living room. He looked at me and realized I'd dozed off. He went to the linen closet and took a blanket off the shelf. He walked over to the couch where I was lying and put the blanket on me.

"Goodnight" he whispered, walking over to the kitchen to grab his stuff.

He sat down and fell asleep.

After a few hours, I woke up.

"What time is it?" I asked myself, walking into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"What are you doing? Wake up or we'll be late!" I said, checking my phone, "It's 8:15 AM, we're 10 minutes late!"

Hye-jun ran to his house across the street and changed in under 5 minutes. I had already changed by the time he got out of his house, I rushed outside and met him there.

"See you!" I said as I waved.

We parted ways and both ran to school. When we got there, we ran into each other in front of the same classroom.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I just moved here, it wouldn't be a coincidence we go to the same school considering we live right next to each other but, come on the same class?" he replied, "You probably did this on purpose.

"As if," I said as I opened the classroom door.

"Reporting, ma'am," I stated, bowing my head.

"Go ahead and take your seat" the teacher replied politely.

I walked over to my seat beside Se-Yeon, as soon as I sat down, Hye-jun came into the classroom.

"Why is it a coincidence you guys are both late?" Se-Yeon asked me.

"I didn't even know he went to school here," I replied.

"Class, please welcome your new classmate." the teacher said, "You may introduce yourselves later."

"Uh oh, the only open seat is next to Li-soon, she'll drive him crazy on his first day. I'll have to sacrifice myself." Se-Yeon said, walking over to the seat next to Li-soon and sitting down.

Now, the only open seat was next to me.

"Is someone sitting here?" Hye-jun asked.

"Not anymore" I sighed.

As he sat down all the girls began to whisper.

"He's so cute!" said one girl.

"He's my prince!" another said.

"The girl next to him is out of his league, she doesn't deserve to sit next to him or even be in his presence with that ugly face." I heard multiple students say.

Hye-jun looked down and saw I was clenching my fists, he tapped my shoulder.

"Ignore them" he whispered.

"It's not like I wanted to sit next to you anyway" I whispered back, raising my hand.

"Yes Yu-ri?" the teacher asked.

"May I use the restroom?" I replied.

The teacher nodded her head. As I left the classroom I clenched my fists.

"Jerks" I whispered to myself.

I walked towards the baseball field in fury, I completely forgot about what I was doing. Almost immediately I saw Hye-jun walk beside the exit door to the football field. Our eyes locked and he walked up to me.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked.

"I thought the lesson we learned was boring," I replied.

"That's all?" he asked, "The lesson hasn't started yet."

"We should get back to class," I said, changing the subject.

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