13. Selfless

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Recap Start

I rolled my eyes, beginning to feel a bit embarrassed as everyone was staring at us. I tried to let go but Hye-jun looked at me with those stupid pitiful eyes and I gave in. Darn those pitiful eyes.

As we got to school we went to our lockers and then sat next to each other in history.

"Are you gonna let go now?" I asked.

"If I must," he frowned.

I looked away, not the pitiful eyes.

After history ended, it was time for Korean, and before we knew it, math was over too, now it was lunch.

I felt myself getting really tired so I put my head on Hye-jun's shoulder.

Recap End

Before lunch was over, Hye-jun woke me up and forced me to eat something. I ate a snack and then felt myself dozing back off.

"Lunch is almost over sleepyhead, you'll miss class" he stated.

"Okay but afterschool remind me to take a nap" I replied, half asleep.

We walked to class and it was P.E. I was so tired but we were playing dodgeball, Hye-jun wasn't on my team, but that was okay. As soon as the whistle blew, so many of the girls threw their ball at me, I was the main target. I dodged as many as I could before Hye-jun noticed and guarded me.

"You're not on my team" I whispered.

"I know" he responded.

"They'll get mad at you" I replied.

"What a shame," he said.

Hye-jun guarded me with his life until P.E. was over. As soon as it was over, when Hye-jun was getting water, this one girl threw a ball at me. I turned around and caught it, thank you reflexes.

"You okay?" Hye-jun asked.

"Yeah" I replied, "I'm totally fine"

"News flash!" Hye-jun yelled, "The game is over!"

We went to our lockers and we had a free study period.

"Want to study on the field?" I asked.

"Sure" he replied.

We grabbed our stuff and went to the field.

"Hey, can I borrow a pencil?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, handing him a pencil.

"Thanks, popcorn girl" he joked.

"Hey! You're the one who spilled the popcorn!" I laughed.

"And who made me spill it?" he asked, laughing.

We studied for a while but mostly hung out and then proceeded to cloud watch, again

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We studied for a while but mostly hung out and then proceeded to cloud watch, again. We pointed out clouds and Hye-jun found a really cool one.

"Look over there!" he said, pointing to a cloud.

I turned my head to get a good look and Hye-jun kissed my cheek.

"Hey!" I replied laughing.

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