4. Sabotage

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He was about to search for his number when Se-Yeon snatched the phone from him, trying to change his name real quick.

"Hey!" he started, "Is my number not in here?"

"N-no it is but..." Se-Yeon said, trying to contain her laugh.

Hye-jun searched for his number and saw it labeled as 'Oppa'.

"Hey! What's with the name, freak?" He said looking at me.

I didn't reply. Se-Yeon busted up laughing.

"I better go, good luck explaining that Yu-ri." Se-Yeon giggled.

Recap End

"I swear, it wasn't me!" I whined.

As he looked at the phone I started backing up and I made a run for it.

"Hey! You forgot your phone!" He yelled.

He started chasing after me.

"Why are you so fast?" Hye-jun said, gasping for air.

"I tend to run when I don't know what to do, it's an instinct," I replied.

He handed me my phone and I didn't take it, he grabbed my hand and place my phone in it.

"Here, I'll walk you home." He stated.

"It's fine, I should get going. Bye!" I said walking away.

I turned around and saw he was still following me.

"I told you it's fine," I said turning around.

"I'm not following you" he claimed, "My house is just around the corner"

"What if he's the new neighbor? The one that was supposed to come today" I whispered to myself.

I shook my head in disbelief, no way.

We stopped at the corner and I turned, he kept going.

"Thank gosh, he mustn't be my neighbor then," I said to myself.

I arrived at my house and unlocked it with my keys.

I slid my shoes off by the door and put my bag down on the kitchen table. 

"Huh, my dad's not home yet?" I said to myself.

I walked towards his room and knocked.

"Dad, are you asleep?" I asked as I opened the door.

He wasn't there. I grabbed my phone off the table where my bag was and looked at the text message I received.

'I won't be home tonight, I'm working overtime. I think there's some food in the fridge for you, night sweetpea.'

"Oh, well," I said as I walked over to the fridge and opened it.

My dad has been coming home late for weeks now, I've heard from his coworkers that his boss is really harsh on him for some reason.

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