7. Secluded

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Recap Start

"So when are you starting the sketch?" I asked Hye-jun.

"Not sure" he shrugged.

The classroom door closed as the whole classroom-focused their glances at Ms. Jeong.

"Class, get to work! It's an outrage that you think just because I'm in a meeting during class you can do whatever you want!" Ms. Jeong said, raising her voice.

After Ms. Jeong explained the lesson, we all got to work and didn't make one peep.

Recap End

After a few more hours of classes, it was lunch. I walked into the cafeteria and looked for Se-Yeon, I couldn't find her anywhere. I grabbed my lunch and made my way to an empty table, expecting for Se-Yeon to find me eventually. I looked at my phone and saw a text from Se-Yeon 'Hey, sorry can't make it to lunch' I didn't bother to ask why, it didn't matter that much. 'Ok' I responded. 

I was about to stand up when I noticed everyone was staring at me, whispering, and gasping. I turned around and saw Hye-jun looking my way with his lunch. He started walking towards me and it felt nice to have someone to sit with at least. He sat down and didn't say anything, I was shocked. Hye-jun with the ecstatic energy was looking slightly gloomy.

"Boo!" I said, a little too loud.

Everyone in the cafeteria looked at me but Hye-jun just laughed, with a smile.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why what?" I replied.

"Why did you yell?" he said, laughing.

"I didn't yell" I scoffed.

"Yes, you did." he said laughing, "The whole cafeteria thought you lost it"

I let out a laugh and stood up.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the field" I replied.

"Wait for me," he said following me, throwing his tray away.

We walked out to the field and we sat down in the bleachers.

"Does your leg feel better?" he asked.

"What?" I replied.

"Your leg, when you scraped it yesterday," he stated.

"Oh, yeah I think," I said, standing up.

"Did you get brain damage?" he joked.

"What?" I asked.

"When you smacked your head on the window." he laughed.

"Hey!" I replied, sternly.

I stood up and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the clouds" I replied, walking to the middle of the field and lying there.

Hye-jun walked over to me and laid there too, looking at the clouds.

"It looks like a monkey," I said, pointing to a cloud.

"Hey, it's you" he joked.

I scoffed and we began pointing clouds out to each other and describing them.

Lunch was almost over so we made our way to class.

I sat down in a seat beside Hye-jun as we learned our daily lesson for math class.

I looked at Hye-jun and smiled, he felt like a friend in some weird way.

When Times Get Darkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن