Dinner at Fatgum Diner

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You reach your new house and turn the steel doorknob. Nothing happens. You shake it up and down and yank really hard in frustration and the door finally opens. As you cross over into the threshold of your cold, unfamiliar house, your mom calls out "Y/n? Y/n is that you?? I'm in the kitchen- come on in!" You vaguely remember where the kitchen unit is from the short tour of the house you showed yourself yesterday before you watched Netflix and conked out on the couch. You walk into a small, empty, white room where your mom is unloading boxes.

"Hi hun! How was school today?" She says as she slides an x-acto knife over the seal of a cardboard box. You sigh.

"Fine I guess." She looks up at you with an endearing smile. 

"Yeah, sorry. Well I was thinking of maybe going out for dinner tonight- does that sound good?" 

"Sure. Less to clean up." Your mom's head falls back and she chuckles.

"You read my mind. I have a place I heard was good, say we leave in 30?"

You shrug and walk into the living room. You flip on the tv and watch an episode of The Office while attempting your math homework for the day. It's hard to concentrate on both things at once, so you let your mind wander. You can do the math later. 25 minutes have passed when your mom walks into the room and you quickly switch off the tv and act interested in your homework.

"Ready to go? Your dad is in the car already." You nod and grab a ratty and worn down yet comfortable sweater on the way out. Oh, and a book. "Out of My Mind" by Sharon Draper to be specific. In the car, you open your window and stick you head out, letting the cold air sting your nose and the wind take away your breath.

Before you know it, your car has stopped in front of a big yellow warehouse. You open your door and step out, curious to see more of this place. When you walk in, you see a large open area with lots of long wooden tables and benches throughout the room. A thin plastic divider separates the dining area from the kitchen, but you can still see the chefs at work. The room is very well lit and is filled with lots of people laughing and talking. Waiters in bright yellow hoodie sweatshirts hold plates of food. All the while, music plays from speakers on the ceiling. Right now it's a song by The Beatles, "A hard day's night."

You glance behind you and see that your parents aren't with you anymore, and now you see your mom waving at you from a table out of the corner of your eye. You walk over and join your family at a small wooden table in the corner. You slouch onto a bench and pull out your book. Before you can start to read though, your mom slides a menu on top of your page. "Just choose something real quick before you zone out for the next hour!" She smirks at you. You scan through the options and quickly find what you're looking for.

"Hamburger with everything on it and a Dr Pepper please!" You say it super fast and hope that your dad didn't hear the last part. But no such luck.

"A soda? With caffeine? Why don't you just have a water now and then we can get ice cream for dessert! Sound good?" He says it like a suggestion but you know that he is not in the mood to argue. You roll your eyes and grunt. Oh well, you didn't really think it would work anyway. You try to turn your attention back to the book when you are interrupted yet again.

You jerk your head upwards with annoyance and snap "what?! Just let me read!" But when you look up, your eyes are met with an unfamiliar face. Oh shit. You face turns beet red and you stutter out "oh- uhm I'm sorry I thought you were my mom..?" The stranger laughs.

"Wow, I never guessed that I'd look just like your mom. I guess I found my doppelgänger. Today must be my lucky day!" The boy has a low, but upbeat voice. You get a good look at him for the first time and see a light-skinned teenage boy with spiky red hair. "Before I met my twin here, I was gonna say the my name is Eijiro and I'll be your server today. Have you decided on what you want yet?" You blush again and mumble your order. The boy grins again and writes it down. Then he squints his eyes at you in confusion. "Hey do I know you? I feel like I've seen you before- do you go to my school?" You shrug.

"I don't know... today was my first day at Marion Middle and High so... maybe?" His face lights up in excitement.

"Hey- me too! Do you by any chance know my brother, Tamaki? He's in our grade, maybe you've met him."

"Oh! I actually do know Tamaki! So- you guys are brothers?"

He laughs at the confusion you're trying so hard to hide, but is apparently obvious on your face.

"Yup! We're technically foster brothers but he's definitely my favorite bro."

"You have other brothers?"


You roll your eyes jokingly at his cheesy smile. You've been enjoying talking to him so much, you've forgotten where you are until your dad clears his throat.

"I'll have the chicken sandwich with fries please." Eijiro's demeanor transforms and he straighten his back and looks serious again.

"Of course sir. That'll be right out." He gives a polite smile and turns and walks away. Your mom looks at you with raised eyebrows and a little smirk. You roll your eyes and return to your book.

When the food comes, you scarf it in with delight. It's really good. Your dad gives you a disapproving look for your utter and complete lack of table manner, but you pretend not to see it. You order a brownie with ice cream for dessert and head home satisfied. When Eijiro sees your family leaving, he gives a little wave and mouthes "see you tomorrow," from across the room. You feel happy and warm inside to have met a new friend- not that you're gonna let your parents see that though.

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