Day 2

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Alright. You've made it through your first day. Only a gazillion more to go. Your active game plan right now is to be as inconspicuous as possible. After your brutal mistake of calling attention to yourself yesterday, you are absolutely determined not to stand out. By using the method of elimination, you have settled on the least interesting clothes you can find- a dark green tee-shirt, jeans, and a loose grey sweatshirt. You splash some water on your face and run a brush through your tangled hair. Not that it matters- you're planning on not being seen. 

You leave the bathroom and grab a "kind" bar from one of the grocery bags your mom left unpacked on the kitchen floor. 

As you exit the house with your new backpack slung over your shoulder and your phone in your pocket. You plug your earbuds into your phone and stick one in your ear. You turn on some music by the Lumineers and pull your hood over your head to hide your face.

5 blocks to school. You follow the instructions your mom texted you yesterday, looking up every now and then to make sure you're still on route. When you see the school building ahead, you zone out and look at your phone. You have 10 minutes before school starts- the perfect time for some quality candy crush playing. 

After finishing 2 levels, something interrupts your concentration. Someone's calling your name. You look up with curiosity and scan the scenery to find the culprit. Walking towards you is that boy, Eijiro, from last night. He runs towards you with a grin, waving like a madman. So much for not being noticed. Behind him trails Tamaki, looking at the ground, and another boy you don't recognize. When Eijiro catches up to you, he grabs your arm and stops you. 

"Y/N!!! It's me- Eijiro from yesterday!"

You roll your eyes and giggle. "I know, I remember dude." He chuckles back and then grabs the two boys behind him. One is Tamaki, shy as ever, and the other is a short-ish blonde boy with spiky hair. He looks kinda grumpy.

"You guys- I want you to meet my new friend- Y/N! Yesterday was her first day! Y/n, you know Tamaki, and this is my boyfriend Katsuki!" He moves his hands as he speaks out loud in what you guess must be sign language. So the blonde boy boy must be deaf. Katsuki glares at you and then signs something aggressively. 

You look to Eijiro with raised eyebrows to interpret the statement. Instead Eijiro just rolls his eyes and punches his boyfriend in the arm. He quickly signs something back to Katsuki then looks up at you with a sheepish smile. 

"He said it was nice to meet you!" Interprets Eijiro.

You very much doubt it that those were the words he had used. Just then the bell rings. You startle and jump a bit, which makes Katsuki laugh. Eijiro punches him again and before you know it, the two boys are in a fist fight. 

You decide that they're done talking and start walking into the building. When you see Tamaki's purple hair sticking up ahead, you jog a bit to catch up with him. When he hears your footsteps and turns around, he looks surprised to see you.

For some reason seeing him act so shy gives you a boost of confidence. You shoot a big cheesy grin his way and grab his arm playfully. "Haha- you thought you could sneak away while I wasn't looking did ya? Oh hey- I wanted to show you the book I'm reading right now- it's super good!" Tamaki's eyes widen with curiosity and you fish around blindly with one hand in your backpack for the book. 

"Here it is! I really like it. Have you read it?" He shakes his head. Before he has a chance to protest, you press the book into his hands. He actually jumps back a little in shock when your hand touches his. It almost makes you laugh, but you hold it in so as not to embarrass the poor guy.

When the bell rings again, you quickly say "ok, I gotta get to class now, but you can borrow that ok?" You turn around and skip away, leaving a befuddled Tamaki standing alone by the lockers staring at your back.

You don't have any classes with Tamaki today, but you do have most of them with Jirou, so that's nice. Science, Spanish, and math pass without much excitement (besides you desperately trying to keep up in math) and before you know it, it's time for lunch. 

Jirou told you that she had music club during lunch today, so you were planning on just sitting alone and reading. Not in, like, a "pity me, I am alone" way, but more like "I don't feel like making human connections so don't make me interact with you and let me dive into this fantasy world" kinda way. The worst thing is when a teacher sees you sitting alone so they come up and sit next to you and talk to you. 

As you enter the lunchroom with your book, something catches your eye. Of course. The red haired boy Eijiro is standing on a chair and flapping his arms at you like one of those blow-up things outside of car dealership. Needless to say, you're embarrassed.

You motion to him aggressively to stop whatever the heck he's doing and get off that chair. He laughs at you, but steps down. You speed walk over to his table and drop down onto the bench next to him, where he's patting for you to sit. His boyfriend, Katsuki, sits across from the two of you next to a boy with yellow hair with a lightning stripe dyed down the side. He introduces himself as Denki while signing for Katsuki. You pull out your lunch, which is the leftovers from last nights hamburger and fries. Katsuki looks at it, then up at you. He smirks and signs something.

"He wants to know if you like it," says Eijiro.

"The burger? Uh- yeah it's really good. Why?"

Eijiro grins at you. "I know, right? Katsuki made it! He's a cook at the diner." You swivel your head to face the blonde boy in surprise. 

"Really?!" Katsuki apparently reads your lips, because he nods at you and looks smug. Wow. You're impressed. You hold up two thumbs up to show him you like it and he rolls his eyes. He signs something and it makes Denki laugh. "What did he say?"

"He said 'of course it's good, I'm a professional fucking chef you dumb bookworm.'"

You glare at Katsuki, now knowing what he said, but he just smirks in return. "Is he always this kind spirited, or is it just me?" You sarcastically ask Eijiro. He laughs.

"Actually- I think he likes you. Normally when we meet people he just completely ignores them. I'm surprised he's engaging with you." Katsuki looks confusedly at Eijiro, waiting for a translation of what he just said to you, but Eijiro just waves him away. Katsuki growls out loud and turns to Denki, completely ignoring you and Eijiro. "See- that's more like it."

You spend the rest of lunch talking to all the boys and are actually enjoying your time with them. At the end of lunch, Eijiro makes you give him your number and adds you to a group chat with the four of them. You have physical education after lunch, but luckily all you have to do today is watch a video. After school you walk home happily. Things are getting better.

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