Re: English Class

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Today when you wake up, the usual knot of anxiety in your stomach feels smaller. You realize that you're not totally dreading school today, which is a nice change of pace from how you usually feel. However, that doesn't make getting out of bed any easier. Last night when you were actually supposed to sleep, your bed felt stiff and uncomfortable. Now that you have to get up it feels like a cloud. Figures. Your dad knocks on your door, then pushes it open and enters your bedroom. He sits right on top of your blanketed body and you groan.

"Gooooood moriniiiiing! It's time to waaaaake up!" Your dad practically yells at you and you hide your head under the covers.

"Nooooooo," you grunt. "I wanna sleeeeeeep..."

Your dad gets up off of you and the room is silent. You smile in the darkness, hoping he has left. Then loud 80s music is blasting in your ear and the curtains are pushed open. Sunlight fills your eyes and you cringe, then shove the blankets off of you. You force yourself out of the bed and thump to the bathroom. You splash some cold water on your face and run your fingers through your messy hair. 

Now that your elite, complicated morning routine is done, you slide downstairs in your new cozy socks. You grab your hoody from the top of the steps and slip it on. You slouch into a chair at the kitchen table and slump over. Something plops in front of you and you look up to see a paper plate with some toast with jam and butter. You dad smiles happily at you and pours you a glass of orange juice.

You return a weary smile and finish the OJ in two gulps. You eat the toast and wipe your fingers on your black sweatshirt. He holds back the disapproving glance you know he wants to give you and you smirk at him. You grab your backpack off the chair by the door and head out of the house.

In 7 minutes, you're outside the school building. You decide to go to class early and get in some reading time. You head to English class and find your chair in the back of the room. Mr Yamada looks up at you and smiles from his desk in the front.

"Hey y/n! How's your day going?" You'd forgotten how loud his voice was. 

"Oh um hi. I'm good I guess. Uh - how are you?"

"Thanks for asking! I'm doin' pretty good too! My husband and my anniversary is coming up this weekend so I've just been looking for a sitter for my daughter."

"How old is your daughter?"

"Eri is six now! She's a pretty cool dude." His face practically lights up with joy as he talks about his kid.

"Oh nice. I'm actually a babysitter kinda," you shrug.

"REALLY? Omigosh I hate to do this but I'm been looking for a while and I can't find a sitter and I've had a reservation at this really nice place for a long time and I'm worried I might have to cancel! Could you maybe watch Eri this weekend? Just for a couple hours? We'll pay!" He talks so fast it's hard to keep up with what he says, which almost makes you wanna laugh.

You shrug and nod. Mr Yamada pulls out his phone and asks for your number. You help him program it into his phone and he gives you a big thumbs up! "Thank you!!! I'll definitely be texting you later with details." You return the thumbs up and go back to your seat.

You pull the book out of your bag and and get a few quiet minutes of quality reading, all the while pretending to ignore the stares and whispers you are sure are directed at you as your fellow English students file into the room. Soon the bell rings and you look up from your book and realize that Tamaki is already seated next to you. Geez, he sure is quiet. You say a quick "hi," and smile at him. He, of course, blushes. 

"Hhhhi," he whispers back. Hearing him talk out loud makes you smile.

"AAAaaaaalright my dudes and dudettes! Welcome back to another day of AP English class! Let's get rrrrrrocking!!!!" He yells the words with an excitement that is not reflected back in any of the students' faces. "Today we will be starting a partner project! So everyone pair up and find a buddy! I'll give you guys one minute to figure it out who you'll be doing this with but remember to choose wisely! You'll be working with these people everyday for a month, so make sure this is who you wanna be with."

Before he can even finish speaking, kids have already gotten out of their chairs and started shouting and claiming partners. You slouch down in your chair and watch as kids pair off rapidly. You notice that Tamaki is the only other person in the class who hasn't moved an inch since the chaotic process began. You turn to him with a smile and blurt out, "wanna be partners?"

Tamaki looks so shocked at the question that you can't help but giggle. He blushes again and nods. Well that's a relief, now you don't have to go through the awkwardness of having the teacher force someone to team up with you. Tamaki looks relieved as well, which makes you happy.

"Settle down everyone!" Mr Yamada hollers. "I said SIT DOWN YALL! You haven't even let me explain the project yet!" The chatter in the room grows dim and he grins. "There we go! Ok, so what we're gonna be doing is choosing a book to read with our partners and then creating a presentation about the main idea of the story. I'll be handing out the templates and guideline sheets now, but make sure you get your partners telephone number or email so that you can stay in contact over the weekend and decide which book you will be choosing."

You take out your phone and hand it to Tamaki. He looks bewildered, so you explain. "Put you're number in so that I can text you this weekend!" His eyes widen and he types it in. Then he shyly hands you his phone and you enter your number into his contacts. "Coolio," you say and smile. This time he smiles back.

In ten more minutes the bell rings again and you're off to your next class. Before you leave, you bravely as Tamaki if he wants to sit with you and his brother and the rest of everyone at lunch today, but he shakes his head. You didn't really expect him to say yes, but you're surprised at the small lump of disappointment you feel in your stomach when he declines your invitation. Oh well. On to the next class.

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