Making Friends

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As soon as the words escape his mouth, the boy flushes furiously. He looks down at his paper and shakes his head. He mumbles something that sounded like never mind but you can't be sure.

"Oh uh sorry about that. I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, I just thought it was cool... so yeah, uh good job..." Realizing the nonsense you've just blurted out, you turn away and focus your attention on your own work. Or, you try. All you can think about is how awkward you just were and how he's gonna hate you now and god how are you gonna make any friends like you spiral into anxiety you feel a tap on your shoulder. You jump into the air and fall off your stool. 

Great. It is the first day of school and everyone has already seen your inability to sit in a chair correctly. And now you lay on the ground as everyone stares at you. The art teacher starts to rush over and check on you but you wave her away before she can help you up. You scramble to right your chair and sit back on it as quickly as you can. Once you are sure you're stable on your seat, you flop your head down on the desk, close your eyes, and put your hands over your head. And that's how art class goes.

You have made it to lunch. All the relief you feel from making it halfway through the day disappears as you face the buzz of the cafeteria. Gripping the edges of your lunch tray, you take a deep breath and enter the slaughterhouse. You see Jiro sitting with some other girls at a table in the corner of the lunchroom and before you can change your mind your feet are guiding you towards her. She looks up, sees you, and actually seems happy that you're coming over. Ok, that helps. Jiro pats the seat next to her and smiles invitingly. You sit shyly next to her and look around at the rest of the girls.

"Hi. I'm Y/N, I just moved here. Thanks for letting me sit with you" The two other girls at the table  smile at you so you smile back.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you! I'm Ochaco! And this is Tsuyu! I hope you're having a good day so far!" The girl with short brown hair speaks up, gesturing to her friend, another girl with long green hair who waves at you. You wave back and unwrap the dry ham sandwich you just bought. Then you throw it out. Yum. I guess you'll be having Doritos and milk for lunch today.

"Oh hey, do you want any of my soba?" Ochaco doesn't wait for a response, scoops out half of her bowl into an empty container, and shoves it over to you. 

"That's so sweet! But I'm ok- I don't want to take any of your lunches." Before you can give Ochaco back her lunch, Tsuyu and Jiro have each given you part of theirs too. Now you have noodles, an apple, and chocolate covered strawberries. You smile. Maybe this day won't turn out so bad after all.

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