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On Saturday, you wake up in a good mood. No school today and a babysitting job! You always loved babysitting- kids are hilarious. You get out of bed and jump in a warm shower. You put on some pop music and sing along in the hot water. It feels so nice that you have to force yourself to step out. 

You dry off and put on some soft sweatpants and an old t-shirt that your aunt brought you back from her trip to Chicago a year ago. To complete your outfit, you throw a grey hoodie on with a quote from your favorite tv show. You grab your phone and jog downstairs where your parents greet you at the table.

"Good Morning Y/n! Happy Saturday! What time are you leaving to babysit?" Your mom asks while handing over a box of cheerios and a quart of milk. You grab a bowl and spoon from a box in the kitchen and sit down.

"I think it's from 7-9pm? One of you guy's can give me a ride, right?" You shrug.

"Of course," your dad assures you. "And we want to meet the parents and make sure that it's safe and everything." You roll your eyes.

"He's literally a teacher dad. I'm sure he's safe." Your dad frowns at this response.

"I'm still coming to check."

"Sure. Whatever."

You eat your breakfast while scrolling through your Instagram feed. Your dad rolls his eyes at this, but doesn't say anything. A minor victory for you. After you finish breakfast, you go back to your room to unpack more boxes while watching Netflix. You finally manage to finish unpacking all of your clothing and putting them into your new wooden dresser. Then you take out all your knick-knacks and random shit and funko pops that you've collected over the years and arrange them on top.

Satisfied, you flop back onto your bed and play candy crush and text your new friends, until, before you know it, it's 6:30. You get out of bed and stretch, then pad downstairs and remind your dad to come out to the car. Mr Yamada texts you his address, and you program it into google maps. You get there in 7 minutes, and hesitate, then run up and knock on the door early. Your dad follows you behind you.

From behind the door, you hear the familiar voice of Mr Yamada screeching "Shouta! Can ya get the door babe! Eri! Tv time is over! I'm turning it off now!" You suppress a smile as the door swings open, and a scruffy-looking tired man in a suit jacket waits on the other side for you. He has medium length jet-black hair that's pulled back into a ponytail. 

"Hey. You must be the sitter. I'm Shouta, come on in." He has a low voice and holds open the door for you. "Eri's in the back room, you can go find her." You shyly step into the house and walk down the hall while your dad and Shouta chat at the door. At the end of the hall, you find a carpeted room with some beanbags, a couch, and a tv. 

On the floor lays a little girl, laying on her belly with her feet swinging in the air behind her and her chin propped up on her hands. The girl has long white hair, and is wearing a superhero pajama onesie. She smiles shyly at you and gives a little wave. You wave back.

Behind her stands Mr Yamada, wearing a bright pink polo shirt and jeans. "Hello there! Eri, this is Y/n, she's my new student! Say hi!" 

"Hi Eri! Hi Mr Yamada! I'm a little shy when I meet new people though." You say softly and hide your face behind your hand. You wink at Mr Yamada and he grins back at you. Eri giggles.

"It's ok y/n! Don't be shy! Come play with me!" She runs up to you and smiles, then grabs your hand and pulls you towards her room.

"Wow. You're good dude." Mr Yamada remarks, looking impressed. "Well coolio! We're gonna head out now and we should be back at about 9. Eri already had her dinner and is in her pjs and she can go down around 8:30. Just make sure she brushes her teeth and goes pee before lights out. That's about it! You're welcome to eat anything in the house and use the tv after Eri's asleep. Thank you so much!" He smiles, then lets Shouta pull him out of the house.

"Bye Daddy! Bye Papa! I miss you!" Eri yells. She starts to look a bit sad, so you go into full sitter-mode.

"Hey Eri! Let's play a game! Wanna show me your room? I bet it's pretty cool!" You grin at her and then make a silly face. Her expression lights up and now she grins. She nods her head enthusiastically and runs down the hallway to the first door on the left. 

You follow her inside and see a small-ish light pink room with a bunk-bed and a gazillion photos hung up in handmade frames. Well-loved stuffies cover the floor and superhero figurines fill the shelves. Another wall has a bookshelf overflowing with books. Eri jumps on the bed and giggles at your awed face.

"You like it?!" She asks excitedly.

"Yeah! It's really cool!"

She shows you all the superhero figures and stuffies, and introduces each one to you. It's pretty cute. For the next hour or so, the two of you play shoots and ladders, read books, and color. Eri's starting to like you, she even draws a super adorable picture of you holding hands. Soon it's 8:15, so you help Eri brush her teeth and read her 2 more stories before bed. You turn off the lights and hum for a bit and rub her back until her breathing becomes steady. Her sleeping face is relaxed and you just wanna squeeze this child.

You creep out of the room then head back to the living room and flip on the tv. You root through the freezer and grab an ice cream sandwich and scarf it down while watching an episode of Brooklyn 99. By the time you've finished, you hear the front door opening, so it must be 9 already. You fix yourself up and pause the show, then glance towards the door just in time to see Shouta and Mr Yamada enter.

"Hey y/n! How'd it go?" Mr Yamada whisper shouts. Shouta rolls his eyes.

"Sorry, he's pretty drunk. I would say he was quieter when he's sober, but it wouldn't be true." Shouta lets out a low chuckle. Mr Yamada starts to sing something, but Shouta clamps his hand over his husband's mouth. "Shut up." Mr Yamada giggles.

"It went really good, thanks." Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pull it out to check. "Oh! My dad's actually here! I'm gonna head out, but it was really fun. Eri's super sweet- I love hanging out with her!" Shouta nods and takes his wallet from back pocket. He hands you two 20s, then smiles.

"Thank you so much. It was nice to meet you."

You nod and smile back. Outside, your mom picks you up in the car and you tell her about all the cute stuff Eri did that day. Your mom smiles and laughs along at the stories. Soon you're home, and all your peppy, babysitting energy has disappeared. You flop onto your bed and read a bit before conking out for the night.

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