Mondays- ugh.

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Monday. Ugh. The worst day of the week. Right before you're about to pull open the front doors to the school building, someone grabs your elbow. You yelp in surprise and whip around to face a now giggling purple-haired girl. "Y/n! Come with me! I wanna tell you something!" You smile and grab Jirou's hand.

"Hey! What's up?" Jirou doesn't answer your question and instead asks one of her own.

"What's your first class?"

You take a second to think. "Um... I think it's health?" Jirou grins.

"Yes! That's not important at all, come with me please!" You exaggerate hesitation and act uncertain, then laugh at Jirou's disappointed expression and nod.

"Yeah of course! Where are we going?" Jirou giggles happily and grabs your hand. You follow her as she runs down the block and into the familiar alley way you've been before. As you enter the cafe for the second time, a smile stretches across your face as you're met with a warm gust of vanilla scented air.

"Hey." Shouto mumbles from behind the counter.

"Hi Shou! How are you?" You ask politely. He shrugs in response, then you become curious. "Wait- why aren't you at school?"

"I'm actually homeschooled."

"Oh cool! So why aren't you at your house then?" He shrugs again.

"I dunno." You glance questioningly at Jirou, but she's already in a hammock on the other side of the room. Flashing a thumbs up to the solemn boy, you head over and join your friend in another hammock. She peeks over the tip of the fabric that she holds over her mouth, but you can still see the smile in her eyes. You stare back into her eyes until both of you are giggling like crazy. Shouto just stares at the two of you cackling, and even cracks a small smile himself. After a minute, the boy returns to your table with two glasses of water and shoves them towards you and Jirou. "Here drink this. And calm down you guys."

You thank Shouto for the drinks and then glance back at Jirou. "Well... spill! What's up?" The bi-colored hair boy hears this comment and raises his eyebrows at the girl in question. Your friend stares at him until he shrugs and walks away before answering your question.

"Ok ok ok ok ok ok! Oh my gods so Denki came over on Friday so I could teach him some guitar and then he actually asked my parents if he could stay for dinner. I mean they obviously said yes and they liked him so much that they freakin invited him to come watch my dad's band play on Saturday! And then he came! Like what the heck, it's like he's obsessed with being best friends with my parents!" She squeals. "Aaaaah! What is happening?"

You laugh at her confusion. "Bro! It's not them he likes! It's you! He just wants to hang out with you!"

Jirou's cheeks grow a rosy shade of pink. For a second she looks mortified, then her melts into an expression of delight. "Really? You think so?"

Rolling your eyes lovingly at the apprehensive girl laying in front of you, you add, "well yeah, duh. I mean you are pretty cool." She looks ready to argue, so you softly punch her in the arm. "Don't you dare disagree with me! You are. Hey Shou!"

Shouto turns around suspiciously quickly, leading you to believe he'd been listening a bit more closely than he was supposed to. "Uh- hm, what? Were you, ham, talking to me?" You smirk at him and he blushes and looks away.

"Yeah, Shou, tell Jirou how cool she is!" Now both of them are blushing, which makes you grin. Shouto clears his throat.

"Uhum. Yes. Jirou, you are very cool." He says matter of factly, then turns and briskly walks back to behind the counter. Jirou looks at you with wide eyes and the two of you burst out in laughter. From a back room, you hear Shouto bristling. "Whatever. Go back to school already, this is loitering." This only makes the two of you laugh harder, and for a second you're off in your own little world. That is, until Shouto yells the time.

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