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The hot afternoon sun bakes down on you as you lie in the grass, staring up at the sky through the gaps in tree branches. You think about what Eijiro said. You feel closer to him now that he's told you all that stuff and are grateful that he trusted you. But.. the circumstances which prompted his truths to come out... A heavy sigh of self loathing escapes your lips and your eyelids flutter shut, blocking out the sunlight for a second.

"Y/n?" The familiar voice asks in a soft chime, and you sit up and smile wearily at her. Jirou is so kind, leaving whatever she was doing and coming to comfort you. Despite how this fact ought to cheer you up, it only reminds you of the extent that you've become a burden on your new friends. You really don't deserve them. 

"Jirou... thanks for coming. You're the best." You lean forwards and hug her, burying your face in her shoulder and she lets you. "I really fucked things up. Even Eijiro is mad at me.. or at least disapointed. I don't know what to do." 

Jirou is quiet for a moment as she listens, waiting to make sure that you're done talking before she offers a response. "Sorry. That really sucks dude. I know you didn't mean too. And you're not a bad person or anything. I was really impressed actually when I heard what you said for Tamaki on the first day of school." She sits back, propping her hands in the grass behind her to hold her weight as she stares off into the distance, looking at nothing in particular. "I don't think any of us realized how bad the bullying had gotten. Eijiro tries his best to defend his brother, but lately he's been a bit distracted with his new boyfriend. And it doesn't help that Tamaki always hides his pain. It's like, one of those things that you know is wrong but you just don't know how to help. But you still tried."

You listen in silence, picking at the tiny flowers and weeds around you and pulling out the leaves, waiting for her to say more. It's nice to be complimented like this, if that's whats happening anyways. Like, maybe she could say that you're not such a bad person after all if you stood up for Tamaki the first time. But Jirou is done talking. And you know that things aren't so black and white. Defending Tamaki once doesn't make you a good person. It doesn't mean that you can't still hurt him. That's what's so hard about this. You're never completely in the clear. You have to keep doing the right thing. Even if it's not always so clear what that is.

"Thanks." The two of you sit there for a second longer before you take a deep breath and get to your feet. "I think I'm gonna go home. You can come if you want." Jirou shakes her head, not moving from where she is seated.

"That's okay. I'm going to meet Denki soon. But maybe I could come over another time." You notice for the first time that she's all dressed up, hair and makeup done, and realize how absorbed in your own problems that you've been to not see this.

"Yeah, I would like that. Everyone could come over when we get unpacked. You and Denki and Eijiro and Katsuki... and Tamaki too. It would be fun." You smile softly at the thought and then say goodbye, making sure of course to first compliment your friend on her killer outfit before heading out. When you arrive at your house, you realize that you didnt need a map to get here this time. The walk was muscle memory. It seems that this town has become your home a lot faster than you knew. As you open the door and walk in, your dad rushes over, looking relieved. 

"There you are Y/n! I've been looking for you- your teacher just called and was wondering if it was possible for you to babysit tonight? I told him you would probably be busy since it's friday and you'd be out with your new friends and-" Before he has a chance to finish his sentence you interrupt him.

"No that's okay dad, I want to babysit. I'll call him back, okay? Thanks for worrying about me though." You hug him, taking in his familiar dad scent and after a second of him looking surprised he hugs back. You smile, glad to have someone that has always been by your side despite all the arguments you've had, someone who's always supported you and looked out for your best interests. Now you wonder if Tamaki has ever had that person. "Thanks dad." you say again, hugging him tighter before letting him go and running up the stairs to your room. After calling Mr Yamada and confirmimg the time, you get ready to go. When your dad calls you down to get in the car, you hesitate, looking down at your phone, and then open up the messages app and type something.

To Tamaki: Can we talk please?

After a second, the word read pops up under your text bubble, but there's no response. You shove the phone into your pocket and run out to the car.

*sorry this is so short you guys, I'm having writers block but im trying to push through lol. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for something that can happen in the story I'd be happy to hear them! Also i am totally aware that everyone is this book is kinda super dramatic lol but its my first time writing a story so cut me a break :3*

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