Let's Not Call it a Date

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You walk about a block or two in a random direction while staring at the sidewalk, complete silence between the two of you. Yeah, it's awkward to say the least. But come on- you can do this. You got to start talking or Tamaki never will. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air, you shove your hands into your pockets and look around. The area is still unfamiliar to you after living in this part of town for less than a week and it's kind of fun finding new places. You clear your throat and look up at the other boy, smiling a little although it's obvious he's avoiding your gaze. "So, where are we going?" You ask casually, assuming he has a  in mind since the only two eateries you've been to have been his dad's diner and the cafe with Jirou. Tamaki quickly swings his head around to look at you, terror in his eyes. 

"I- I thought you were leading!" He sputters, apparently having forgotten to stutter in the moment. You press your lips together and look away, trying not to laugh but you just can't help yourself. The dude acts like you've just kidnapped him and are holding him hostage with a knife to his throat.

"It's fine!" You snort, looking back at him and grinning. He somehow looks even more mortified at your laughter, glancing around wildly to see if his life is being recorded for some big prank show. "Hey-" you finally collect yourself and grab his arm before he can run away. "Dude it's fine. Let's find some place together, hm?" You raise an eyebrow, trying to look encouraging and he slowly relaxes and nods. "Sweet. Uh, the only problem is I've never been here before, so you gotta show me around." It would probably just be easier to go to that one cafe, but for some reason you don't want Izuku or Shouto to see you with Tamaki. You don't know either of them very well, and it's not like you don't trust them, but they are friends with Jirou, so who knows what they might say to her. Not that you don't want to be seen with Tamaki! Just... not alone. Not yet. Nevermind. You shake the thoughts out of your head, snapping back to attention and noticing Tamaki eyeing you with worry. You shoot him a smile, nodding that you're fine and he can keep walking.

"Um... th-there's a li-li-li-" his cheeks grow red and he quickly looks away. "There's a sssmall shop a b-.. mmmore down there. It has luh-hhhike, uh, muh-muh-.. uh.." he seems to get too overwhelmed at the prospect of finishing his sentence. You wish there was some way you could help, but interrupting would just be rude, so you don't react and wait patiently. Tamaki moves his mouth in silent attempts to form a sound that's caught in his throat, which honestly looks really fucking annoying. You don't know what it would be like to have all your words stuck in your mouth, fighting against an invisible barrier to get out. After a minute or so, he starts again, this time actually speaking out loud. "Muuuhhh-mmmmilkshakes." He says louder than he probably meant to, looking embarrassed at the volume, but also relieved and maybe a bit proud to have finally said the word. "And hamburgers." You smile, reaching out and taking his larger hand in yours as you nod.

"That sounds amazing." You grin and watch a small smile dance on his lips for half of a second before quickly disappearing, but it's already been engrained in your memory. That is- until the smell of fries hits your nose. Oh my god they're amazing. You quicken your pace, tugging Tamaki behind you as you stop in front of the counter with a menu hung above the ordering window. Useless. You already know what you want. You clear your throat to get the attention of the obviously bored teenager sitting in the booth on their phone and looking like they'd rather be anywhere else in the world. "Hi. Can I please have a large chocolate shake and a large thing of fries?" The employee shrugs, looking at Tamaki as she waits for his order. The purple-haired boy licks his lips, obviously uncomfortable with the sudden attention directed at him and points to something on the menu. The teenager raises an eyebrow, looking unimpressed and not making a move to see what he picked. Asshole. You roll your eyes, grabbing your wallet from the back pocket of your bag. "He wants a cookies and cream shake. Also large." You press the money onto the counter, not bothering to leave a tip and take Tamaki's arm to pull him to one of the tables outside.

After a second, you feel the other's eyes and look up, noticing him watching you worriedly again. "You okay?" He asks quietly and you realize that your face and body are tense, possibly aggressive from the brief interaction with the employee. You take a deep breath, forcing yourself to relax and smile at him.

"I'm fine. You okay?"

He nods, offering you the smallest smile. "Uuusually Ei orders f-fuh-fuhhor me and K-kat. Ssince he dooeeesnt like to tuh... like to t-talk." You nod understandingly. Although for a guy who doesn't like to talk, that Katsuki sure is loud. So is Eijiro, making them an obviously perfect match for each other. You look around the picnic tables that are the seating area for the shop and zone out a little, letting your mind wander now that there's no threat of missing anything at school. You wonder how Jirou is doing and what's happening with the boys' date. Which reminds you. Is this a date? Technically it's just you and him... but just burgers! Not anything romantic. Besides, it's not like you have feelings for him. It's not like your heart speeds up when he blushes or you notice how silky his dark indigo hair is and imagine running your fingers through it or... oh shit. Maybe... you do like him? But admitting that to yourself only makes the situation of this "date" even more awkward. You aren't ready to go on a date with him!

You clear your throat again and speak before you have a chance to really think through your words. "Hey, so um, ya know, we're here together... just as partners obviously. For the project. Nothing else. Sooo.. it's not awkward or anything like a first date. I'm not going on a date with you." You pause, just long enough to hear your own words and then notice the expression on his face. Tamaki looks devastated, his face completely flushed and his eyes glassy with tears. He opens his mouth to respond but only a choked sound escapes his throat and he looks even more humiliated. You want to say something but you're frozen in place, watching it all happen as if it's a movie screen. This wasn't how you meant it to come out. This wasn't what you wanted to happen at all. But before you have a chance to unfreeze, Tamaki has grabbed his backpack and disappeared from view like he had never even been there in the first place. He didn't even get his milkshake. You want to scream at the frustration of it all, but mostly at yourself. A second later, your phone dings with a notification.

Tamaki: I know it wasn't a date. But I thought we were friends.


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