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name: Sherlock, Watson... and Tokyo

participants: Yoongi, Fox, Tokyo

Fox: They found more DNA on Pang Mina's doorknob that doesn't belong to her

Tokyo: Shit

Yoongi: Whose it is?

Fox: Kim Seokjin's

Yoongi: What do you mean by Kim Seokjin's?

Fox: I mean exactly Kim Seokjin's

Yoongi: Holy fuck, are you 100% sure? He used to be my senior in college

Yoongi: Now he's an assistant professor there

Fox: Yeah I know, I did a whole background check on him

Tokyo: What did he have to do with Pang Mina though?

Yoongi: I can't figure it out just yet

Yoongi: He wanted so bad to be an actual professor and go a rank higher to upgrade from his assistant position

Yoongi: Why would he risk his job and be a part of this fucking mess

Fox: We don't have anything confirmed yet, Yoongi

Yoongi: Just his fucking fingerprints on that poor girl's doorknob

Tokyo: Maybe he's her neighbor or just wanted to check up on her

Yoongi: Yeah my ass

Yoongi: I can't put my trust in anyone anymore

Tokyo: Either way, me and Fox will take care of this and dig into it some more

Fox: Yeah don't worry mate! Just take care of Jimin and be safe

Tokyo: The last thing we'd want right now is to put the chief's son in danger

Yoongi: Wait

Yoongi: Don't tell Dongmin hyung about the DNA just yet

Fox: He's not here anyway

Yoongi: Don't do anything until I come back, make sure the guys at the lab keep their mouths shut

Tokyo: I sometimes forget you're theoretically our boss

Yoongi: Just lock yourself in our office and BE VERY SUBTLE

Fox: When wasn't I subtle, Min Yoongi?

• • •

"hyung, you're shaking!" jimin placed his hand on yoongi's shoulder as soon as he closed the door to his car.

"i'm fine." yoongi's cold glare made the younger boy retract his hand and place it on his lap without any second thoughts.  

he lied. min yoongi wasn't fine.

he's never felt more anxious in his life, as a matter of fact. not even back when he had to take his final exams to graduate college. not even on the day when park dongmin personally had to interview him in order to hire him. not even at the first ever case that was given to him.

but this time, this time he struggled to calm down his trembling hands on the steering wheel. he was tired, frustrated and depressed.

jimin was quiet and worried for his friend. the two of them were peacefully sitting on their assigned seats in yoongi's car, waiting for him to turn the key in the ignition and finally proceed to their destination.  

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