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"okay so... i bought fuity soju, beer, strawberry cider, some kind of vodka but not really vodka—"

"you know my dad has like... one hundred thirty kinds of alcohol in the house, right? you didn't have to worry about it." jimin interrupted hoseok, chuckling as he ran a hand through his hair. "every employee gifts him alcohol for his birthday."

"me included!" yoongi exclaimed next to you and almost everyone in the room laughed.

everyone except for jungkook.

he was pretending to do something on his phone ever since he took a seat on the couch half an hour ago, too anxious to even start a conversation with you while your best friend and the guy who sat next to you in every single one of your courses in criminal law were in the same room as him.

even though jungkook was extremely shy, he wasn't that intimidated by them. at least not when it came to the physique, he thought he was good looking enough. he only didn't want to break his own heart even more because of you ignoring him and focusing your full attention on your closest friends instead.

all seven of you were spread in your spacious living room.

you were sitting on the floor between taehyung and yoongi, all three of you cross legged on the fluffy white carpet. namjoon was casually laying on your step dad's sumptuous armchair next to the couch, mixing some alcohol together and you could've sworn you saw jimin secretly praying the fireplace wouldn't get involved in namjoon's adventure with vodka tonight.

your step brother, jungkook and now hoseok who just came back from the kitchen were comfortably sitting on the sofa, the two guys in the police department were fighting with their fingers in a so called 'thumb war' while jungkook was solemnly thinking of a way he could switch places with either taehyung or yoongi.

for the first time ever since he became a part of the group, jungkook felt out of place. not because you were rich, all of you always made sure to include him all the time and you never threw pitiful looks towards him. he just wished to be one of the two guys you were constantly paying attention to. 

plus, everyone there had a way better financial status than him and being in your massive, luxurious house didn't help that much either. the lamp on the fancy table next to him would probably cost the reparation of his parents' entire bake shop.

he was nervously biting his lips, subtly watching you being all touchy with yoongi and taehyung while the three of you were trying to pick a playlist for the night, scrolling through the youtube lists on your feed.

yoongi sent a death glare towards taehyung when the younger boy slightly squeezed your thigh, laughing at one of your jokes. he didn't notice and you didn't mind it either, taehyung has always been affectionate towards you.

"y'all want to watch a movie?" you piped, looking at the screen of your gigantic flat tv, not too pleased with the music you found so far.

"hell no." hoseok got up as soon as jimin won the thumb war, making his way back to your kitchen. he took the bag of alcohol he bought together with namjoon off the counter and vigorously started to inspect it. "i'm here to let it all go and relax, y/n. like i said in our groupchat, i'm fucking exhausted from kim seokjin's bullshit."

everyone laughed again, except for jungkook whose mind drifted away once again.

he wasn't a creep or anything, he knew how to enjoy himself... he even went to a club all alone last week to forget about you and dance all of his problems away. but this time, when he felt so close, yet so far away from you... everything was different from the two days he taught you some basic martial arts after college and your arcade hangout yesterday.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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