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name: Sherlock, Watson... and Tokyo

participants: Yoongi, Fox, Tokyo

Fox: How's it going?

Yoongi: I'm at the college right now

Fox: No shit

Fox: How's that going?

Yoongi: Nothing weird until now

Yoongi: I drove Seokjin hyung here because he apparently wanted to come early to prepare some papers for one of his students

Yoongi: Kim Taehyung is also confirmed to be sick so his story checks out

Tokyo: We've been digging too, there's literally nothing on the rector

Tokyo: Mr. Ryu is clean

Yoongi: Shit

Yoongi: I mean, that's good. But the plan failed

Fox: Then there must be something else we're missing

Tokyo: Maybe one of the actual professors is messing with Seokjin? Like threatening him or something

Fox: Yeah, there must be someone in the university

Yoongi: Or a higher up with power and access over the university

Tokyo: Do you mean like... someone from here? Working at SMPA?

Fox: Well, us three and the chief are safe. Who the hell would risk their entire career over some college girl?

Tokyo: Bono's girlfriends were all in their twenties, most of them still in college too

Yoongi: What the actual fuck

Fox: Isn't Bono like forty five years old?

Tokyo: Yeah

Fox: Where is he anyway?

Yoongi: Fuck. He's driving Dongmin hyung and his wife to Gyeongju. They're on a trip

Yoongi: I wasn't aware of his preference in girls

Fox: Bono is Mr. Park's driver and his wife's secret bodyguard, I don't think anything bad will happen

Tokyo: Yeah, he's been working for Mr. Park since I was born

Yoongi: I hope everything will be alright with hyung. I'll text him from time to time to make sure he's okay

Yoongi: I'm leaving the college now, I'm going to my place to get ready for tonight so don't wait for me at the office

Yoongi: Make a file on every teacher that walked into the university in the past ten years

Yoongi: Plus some extra research on Bono, just in case

Tokyo: What's tonight?

Yoongi: I was invited to Y/N's place for a sleepover

Fox: Make sure to wear protection

Yoongi: It isn't like that, everyone's coming and she didn't even plan to tell me, Dongmin hyung was the one who mentioned it

Tokyo: Have fun

Fox: But not too much fun

Fox: Hey Tokyo

Tokyo: What?

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