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"you know what?" you took a step forward, looking up at jungkook directly into his eyes. "i think you're lying."

"lying? me?" jungkook anxiously looked around to make sure you were indeed talking to him and not someone else present in the arcade.

"yeah... i think you're lying to me right now." your skills in interrogating were no joke, yoongi taught you so many tips and tricks and you were extremely grateful for that.

you kept your eye contact fixed when jungkook gulped, looking guiltier than ever.

say it, jeon jungkook. confess to me.

"lied about what?" he avoided your eyes, his bottom lip in-between his teeth. his gaze was downcast and you noticed his biceps flexing under his tight black leather jacket. he was so tensed you could see little drops of sweat coming down his neck.

"the girl from the club." you took another step forward, wanting to cage him between you and the street fighter game both of you just played.

"am i right?" you asked, tilting your head to the right.

he nodded. "i actually... knew her name. she told me that after when she dragged me to the dance floor." you watched his expression carefully. "but, i promise i wasn't interested in her at all, there's this girl i—"

"what was her name?" you tried to be as casual as possible, not making this more awkward than it already was.

"mina. her name was mina." he admitted shyly. "but she's not relevant at all, i don't feel anything towards her and—"

"that's a pretty name." you stated coldly.

you honestly didn't care whether he was or wasn't sexually interested in her. you felt nothing towards jungkook, only being intrigued by how he could be this good of an actor, playing everyone around him like that including his parents. how could he live like this?

you decided this was enough information for today and told jungkook that your mom needed you at home.

he pouted but still offered to give you a ride back to your house which you've refused politely. you had to clear your thoughts and think of another strategy and being stuck in a car with him and his intoxicating cologne wasn't that much of a help.

he'll confess to me tomorrow. you were manifesting to the universe at this point. i'll know the truth about him tomorrow.

at least it was confirmed that jungkook indeed knew mina and the little bit of hope you subconsciously had for him to be innocent faded away. you had to do your research on frank too, what if he helped jungkook bury her body in the woods or something? it's probably not that morbid, hopefully, but still, you thought.

jeon jungkook was responsible for her disappearance and you were going to prove it.

• • •

yoongi was absently staring into the windshield on the passenger seat in his car.

his breathing was normal, eyes dark with no other expression on his face whatsoever. his veiny hands rested on his lap and he looked so numb and careless that it made jimin piss his pants.

"hyung, are you okay?" jimin asked an obvious question from the driver's seat. he couldn't leave yoongi drive in that state.

yoongi nodded robotically as a reflex. all his life whenever he was asked about his mental state he would lie.

no, min yoongi wasn't okay. he's never been.

everything went completely downhill from that goddamn thursday night when pang mina disappeared.

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