Merry Christmas (17)

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A/N: this chapter will be short and quick because I really just wanted to update. Sorry to annouce that after this chapter there is only one more :/ but I am working on the sequel not sure on the name yet thinking about either everything has changed or forever is a really long time. Leaning more torwards everything has changed :)

I woke up extremely early for one reason and one reason only. Its CHRISTMAS! The best time of the year. It was about 7 am and everyone was just starting to wake up. My mum and dad and Brad and Angie all divided up the gifts. We all opened them. I got a new surf board, some clothes, a gift card, shoes, some snapbacks and much more. Alli pretty much got the same thing. Cody got a new gutair. new long board, new surf board and a tour scheduel from Matt. Tom and Alex got video games and toys. Mike got the normal stuff like clothes but what he gave mum and dad was the best gift ever!

"Mum, dad"

"Yes Mikey" Mum said in her so very sweet yet sleepy voice. Mike got up walked to the door and let Charolette in along with her parents. With her hand in his and everyone but me looking confused he came out and said it.

"We are getting married"

"But you just met the girl at the mall when we were shopping!" Alli blurted out first. Cody just kept smiling like he knew all along.

"I want a granddaughter rather than grandson but you can't control that can you" My mum started to tear up.

"Congrats son"

"Can we at least know this boys name?" Charolette's dad said with a chuckle.

"Mike" Mike took Charolette's hand and slid the ring on it. She smiled, her smile was beautiful.

"Hope and I broke up after we got to collage and then I met Charolette hear and as Cody said I knew she was the one for me" I looked at Cody who was now staring at the ground.

"Well thats awfully sweet thing to say, and you say her heard it from Cody?" I teased.

"Sky I did say it, I don't know if I told you or not but I have loved you since the day we became friends"

"I hate to say it but I didn't know I was until that one kiss" Cody smiled at me. Today was the perfect day. It was about 5pm and I was playing games on my laptop. My phone began to ring. Facetime request from Kaylee. I anwsered.

"Hey girl"

"Merry Christmas"

"Yes yes it was!"

"Kaylee your starting to worry me"

"Guess what girl beat cancers ass?"

"Your kidding! Congrats!"

"Got the call this morning"

"Thats one way to enjoy December 26th"

"Oh ha ha I just realised that its the 25th there"

"Babe lets watch Christmas moives and cuddle" Kaylee busted out laughing as Cody walked into the room.

"Hey Cody!"

"Kaylee, I didn't know you were Hi"

"Ha ha sure babe" I giggled out.

"Well i'll let you two have your fun"

"No you don't have to go yet"

"Kaylee?! I'm here"

"Ha ha yeah but Josh is here so yeah going to let you go"

"Bye love ya"

"Love ya too" Me and Cody curled up on the couch and Watch Christmas moives all night. Alli, Tom, Alex, Mike, Charolette, Mum ,Dad, Brad,and Angie soon joined us. Like I said today is just perfect.

A/N: okay Happy holidays one more chapter and It will be out b4 Christmas :)

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