New Beginnings All Around (11)

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I took Cody's phone and called my dad. I still remembered the number. The phone rang and he finally answered.

"Ha ha ha stop it! Hello?" I heard a woman answer.

"Um is Mr. Jaxson there?" I asked nervous.I looked at Cody and then at Jake. They both gave me a smile.

"Hello this is Mr.Jaxson" My dad said. I felt a tear run down my face. Cody wrapped his arms around me but Jake pulled him off. I took a deep breath.

"Dad" Is all I could say.

"Sky" My dad said I could hear the joy in his voice.

"I have a modeling job and need to stay with you for a while can I?" I asked quickly wanting to get off the phone.

"I don't mind find out the dates and just let me know in fact in three weeks me and Emma are getting married. If it's then you can come to the wedding and maybe bring this boyfriend of yours" My dad said. I could practically see his smile.

"Okay" I said hanging up. I handed Cody back his phone. "Jake I was enjoying Cody's hug!" I yelled at Jake.

"Hope that its not in three weeks" Cody said kissing my forehead. I took out my phone and call Tasha back. I began to frown. "Its in three weeks isn't it?" Cody asked knowing the look on my face.

"Yes and your coming with me!" I shouted.

"Can't I have work stuff in Canada then take J.T." Cody said. Jake's head shot up.

"NO!" Jake said jumping up. I gave him the puppy dog eyes and he caved. "Fine but only as a friend"

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I shouted hugging him.


Cody left about three weeks ago so I was sitting on my bed talking to my bad boy.

Me:So your breaking the rules and tweeting and texting on the phone huh?

My AMAZING Boyfriend<3: Yes to text my girlfriend. So did you get J.T. a matching bow tie to match you dress?

Me: Heck to the no I don't wanna go let alone match Jake.

My AMAZING Boyfriend: Hahaha were landing gotta go babe sorry I LOVE YOU! <3

Me: :( bye I LOVE YOU MORE! <3

I looked at my suit case it was empty and I leave in two days. Just then Jake walked in.

"Pack now!" He said throwing my suit Case at me.

"Let me guess my mum or brother?" I said standing up.

"Brother" He replied. My brother has been dying to go see dad and is jealous I say he can go in my place. I began to throw things on the bed and Jake helped pack. "Um you don't need all this stuff." He said throwing stuff back at me.

"This is how girls pack" I replied packing it myself. I finished then realised I needed a dress.

"Your a flower girl" Jake said laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"You new step Mummy is making you the flower girl" Jake said rolling on the floor laughing.

"WHAT!?!" I screamed. great just great.


"Hey dad" I said hugging him.

"Jake you certain have grown into a great young man" My dad said shaking Jake's hand. I rolled my eyes. "Now Jake don't you dare hurt my princess's" My dad said starting the car.

"DAD!" I screamed from the backseat.

"Um i'm confused" Jake said giving me the am I missing something look.

"Your dating my daughter right?" My dad said stopping at a red light.

"Oh no that's Cody! I am a single boy" Jake said taking out his phone.

"So you and Cody huh how cute you to used to say you were just friends and would always be" Emma said. I looked over at Jake who gave me the calm down look.

"Yeah things change...." "Like when my dad promised he wasn't having an affair" I whispered under my breath. We got to my dad's house and he showed me to my room. Emma showed Jake to his room. I looked around the room was huge!Tomorrow my dad was marrying Emma great just great. I fall backwards onto the queen sized bed.

"Sky! Can you come down stairs we wanna tell you something!?" Emma yells after me. I walk down stairs wishing my mum was here. "Well I will just say it you are going to have another little brother or sister" She said holding my dad's hand. She removed her sweater to show her baby bump. I was speechless. I took off running. I didn't know where to go I just ran out the door. I heard Jake yelling my name as he ran after me. I finally stopped at a park and sat on the bench and began to cry. Jake came and sat down next to me and wrapped his jacket around me.

"Sh Sh Sh relax everything will be alright" Jake soothed.We sat on the bench for what felt like forever. I finally stood up and slid on Jake's jacket and we walked back to my dad's house.We walked in and it was like 11 pm so we walked to my room where I found a note. I skimmed through it and rolled my eyes. I laid down in bed and Jake sat next to me.

"Let's take a picture" I said taking out my phone. We took a picture and he held up the GCF sign and I smiled wide. I posted it on Twitter. I drifted off into a deep sleep. I was woken up by Emma.

"Wake up today's the big day" Emma said with a weak smile. I got up and got changed and did my hair and make-up and Jake put on his suit. I had to admit Emma looked very pretty in her wedding dress. The ceremony went by really quick.

"Hey beautiful wanna dance?" One of Emma's Sister's sons asked.

"Actually now that you said something I do" I smiled and I stood up and dragged Jake to the dance floor. The look on the boy's face was priceless.

"May I cut in mate?" A voice I knew from anywhere.

"Cody!" I screamed as I jumped into his arms. Me and Cody danced for a while.

"You look amazing" Cody whispered into my ear. After the wedding and reception ended Cody and I had a small talk.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming and how did you get in it was innovation only?" I asked.

"I wanted to surprise you and Being famous can get you in almost anywhere" Cody said with a sly smile.

"Cody!" My dad yelled walking towards us with Emma.

"Mr. Jaxson and the new Mrs. Jaxson" Cody said being extra polite.

"Hear your dating my daughter" My dad said.

"You mean our daughter" Emma said with a smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Son lets go have a talk" My dad said walking away motioning for Cody to come. My heart started beating fast and skipped a few beats.

A/N: I hope your enjoying the story. I also hope all of you who are near Sandy are safe. Though I would share a fun Cody fact with you Cody's top-right ab is heart shaped :) <3 Cool right? Well check it out if you don't believe me! I am really off schedule sorry about that I will try to update it every week if that doesn't work I will have to make it every other week :/ I will try super duper hard :) Til next time :) good bye xoxo

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