I can't get you off my mind (3)

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Cody and His dad brad left for LA a two weeks ago. Yes he went to America. I couldn't stop thinking about him i hadn't spoken to him at all the past two weeks i was still mad about the party. Alli told me and Jake that he was coming back today and had big news "Alli i want to see Cody yet i don't" i confessed. She giggled "I know the part of you that is his best friend does but the part that love him doesn't" She always knew what to say. We were on the couch in her living room that's when the door swung open and it was Cody his smile wide but when he saw me it disappeared. Like an idiot i am i spoke up "Hey Codes! whats the big news?" "i'm  such an idiot!" i mumbled under my breath. Cody took a spent towards me grabbed me and hugged me and whispered in my ear "Shut up your not an idiot your this beautiful and smart girl i'm the idiot i had my chance and i blew it." i started to cry and Alli left so we could talk in private. Cody opened his mouth a little about to speak but i cut him off i kissed him i just could't stay mad at him. We didn't talk we just kissed for god knows how long it felt good it felt right. He pulled away finally out of breath and we both turned and looked at Tom who i guess had been watching us as he yelled up to Alli "ALLI THEY'VE BEEN KISSING FOR 30 MINUTES STRAIGHT YOU WIN!" I giggled and Cody chuckled. Alli came down stairs "so you guys are finally a couple?" she asked. I looked at Cody and Cody looked at me. "no" i said with a small frown. Alli got up set after hearing that she grabbed Cody's arm and they walked outside to talk. I sat there thinking whatever it is me and him have its messy its not a relationship, what is it? I don't know but i like it i like a lot. They came back and Cody took my hand and suggested we go down to the beach and catch some waves. "sounds amazing" i said resting my head on his shoulder.

Cody's POV

Alli grabbed my hand and took me outside to talk. "Cody ask her out already! its killing me and J.T." "Alli i can't as much as i want her to be my girlfriend now's not the right time when me and dad went to LA i was offered a record deal but we would have to move there its a dream come true but no room for a girlfrend" i said with a slight frown."Codes you'll make it work i know you when you want something you don't give up." Alli said hugging me." I guess your right" i said uncertain. We walked back in and suggested we go down to the beach and catch so waves. In that beautiful voice of hers she said "sounds amazing" she rest her head on my shoulder. I went up stairs and got my wet suit and put it on, Sky borrowed Alli's. It was just me and Sky, Alli went to the mall with Jake. I was really off i could barely stand up on my board without falling. I think Sky noticed "Are you ok? your really off today" she asked paddling towards me. " I'm fine just have a bit of jet lag" I partially lied."ok then lets take a break and relax, I'll get us some drinks" She said when she got to the shore. "ok that sounds great" i sat down and then Bella came and sat next to me. Why was she here we barely ever talked, and that night at her party when she kissed me it was the worst i tried to pull away but she kept getting closer."Hey cutie" bella said with a smile. Just play it cool and be friendly. "hey" i casually said. She scooted closer, I scooted away. "come on Cody don't play this game with me i know you like me"she said getting even closer. "sorry no i don't not one bit" I said standing up to leave. She  stood up and leaded in and kissed me we fell i tried to push her off but she had me pinned down. "Well i see how it is Cody, Just leave me alone i never want to talk to you ever again!" Sky screamed with tears in her eyes pouring the smoothie over my head. Great just my luck that she walked up as Bella was kissing me.

Sky's POV  

When I came back I saw Bella and Cody kissing. KISSING! I though he liked me. "Well I see how it is Cody, Just leave me alone i never want to talk to you ever again!" i screamed tears streaming down my face. I poured his smoothie on his head and stormed off. I ran home I called Alli as soon as i got in the door. My mum saw me come in crying "Whats wrong honey?" "I-I don't want to talk about it" I cried running up to my room. A few minutes later Alli came crashing through my bedroom door. "WHAT DID HE DO? THAT JERK I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM TO BACK OFF!" "Alli he kissed Bella relax i should have said something when he first kissed me but instead i fell for him and even being mad at hm i can't get him off my mind!" i cried. Alli had a bag full of sappy chick-flicks and ice cream she ended up spending the night. As we watched The Notebook i couldn't stop thinking of Cody i was crasy he had someone to love."Are you ok?" Alli said snapping me out of my thoughs "huh, oh ya just tried" i lied "ok well i'll be in my room night Sky" Alli and Cody were practitally family so they had there own room which they shared when they slept over it was basicly our guest room."Ok night Als" I layed down and tried to sleep but  couldn't Cody was on my mind. Ugh why am I so stupid, I like someone who doesn't like me back that never will. At that moment i got a text from Cody. hey can we talk? I ignored his text and drifed off to sleep. I awoke to the smell of some thing burning and ran down stairs to find Alli in the kitchen, burning the pancakes." I suck at cooking" I giggled at Alli's remark. I had my phone in my hand and  set in down not checking it and grabbed two bowls and some cereal Cody had got my hooked on it ugh why must everything remind me of him! When i turned around I saw Alli had my phone and was texting someone she had her back to me so i looked over her shoulder. She was texting Cody. Leave her alone Cody you hurt her bad got makeout with you new girly friend. She typed and then turned around to see me standing there "Oh i'm sorry i just tried to get him off your back i mean 15 text messages and he tweeted you 5 times a bit creepy if you ask me" she said handing me my phone."Its ok Alli and your right alot of hard work to just explain that he has feelings for Bella" I said looking down at my phone 1 new text from Cody i set my phone down and ate breakfest and took a quick shower so did Alli and the we headed to the mall.I tried on a pair of black high waisted shorts and a bright pink collared tank top. I stepped out of my dressing room and so did Alli we looked at each other and laughed. We were wearing the same thing we bought the outfits to be twins. We sat down in the food court and got some pizzia. Thats when Alli broke the news to me i began to cry. "I"m so sorry but its for Cody I really want to stay Cody was to afaird to tell you before but i had to you my best friend your more than that your my sister" She pleaded.My best friend was moving half way across the world. I would probally never see her again.She hugged me and i finally got the courage to ask "So when do you leave?" "Three weeks" She said a tear streaming down her face.


"I guess this is good bue" I said starting to cry. "Yep I don't want to leave Sky" Alli cried to her mum and dad. I hugged Brad , Angie, Tom and Alli then i reached Cody. I hadn't spoken to him at all the past three weeks.He ran his fingers through his hair and spoke "Bye Sky I know your not speaking to me but I though i should say goodbye" "bye" I said blankly. My parents said the goodbyes and i took a step back and started to cry as i watched me best friend get in the car and drive off to probally never be seen again. Just then i got a text i wiped my eyes and opened it. It was from Alli text and skype everyday you better promise! I began to cry harder due to the time zones we would probally never get to talk but i texted her back i promise. Just then Cody texted me please don't cry angel its hard to see you like this to see you crying please.Going againest every will in my body i texted back Cody I'm crying because my best friend is moving half way across the world! and the guy i though loved me didn't tell me she did.

*one month later*

School had started and i hung out with Jake. Me and Alli as promised texted everyday and tried to Skype, she told me about how she became a model. I still didn't really talk to cody and finally stopped thinking about him. I had a boyfriend now his names Jason. Jason was a friend of Jake's thats how we met. We were at the beach and i was going on and on about my trip to LA to visit Alli he kept chuckling at everything i said. "And me and Alli are going to go to one of her photo shoots its going to be great. hey ways so funny?" "oh nothing your just so cute getting all excited and everything" he said kissing my cheek. Jason walked me home and kissed me goodbye. Finally everything was perfect.I caught my flight and when i landed i was a bit dissy. Like Alli said i felt a bit jet lag. I searched for that familiar blonde hair when all of a sudden i was picked up for behind and spun around. I was screaming my head off. I heard the familiar voice "relax angel i got you you ok" it was Cody suddenly i forgot everything he had done and hugged him. he put me down and then I hugged Alli 'I see you forgave him" She wispeared in my ear. Then everything he did came flooding back and i refused to speak to him the whole car ride to there place. when we got there Alli gave me the grand tour and we sat down on the couch "Sky can we talk?" Cody asked taking my hand. I pulled it away and got up and followed him outside."look we never got to talk about the Bella thing she kissed me it was a total suprise i'm so sorry its you i want no one else" he took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss me and i pushed him in his pool. "I should have seen that coming" he said getting out and drying himself off. "Cody Robert Simpson you had your chance i have a boyfriend now" i said to him as i sat down in a chair "Oh well he is offly lucky" he took a long pause "Who's the lucky guy?" "Jason" i said with a smile at the mention of his name."oh playa Jason why did you...." his voice trailed off "Cody he's not a player i'm his one and only i'm his world and he's mine why can't you just be happy for me.. i mean i finally am happy i finally belive i can say i forgive you but instead you start calling my boyfriend names" I said a bit of anger in my voice "i'm sorry I didn't mean to" he said getting up and going back inside, I followed. I sat down next to Alli who looked over and smirked and said "go for a swim did ya codes?" I giggled and he just walked upstairs without saying a word.


hey everyone hope you liked the chapater a bit of drama well i'm extremely tired its 12:47am here sooo here's the new chapater xoxoxo


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