Secrets (15)

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After we put the cookies in the oven Sky and Alli went to change so that they could finally going to the mall with Mike. I couldn't go because they were shopping for me. Sky walked over to me ad kissed my lips softly. She was wearing my civil clothing jacket. I smiled at the sight.

"Dont't miss me to much" She smirked at me. She grabbed her bag and walked out the door. I picked up my phone ad dialled Jake. I knew he was still up if he was at Josh's.


"Hey I need gift ideas for Sky"

"Anything from you works"

"Seriously I need a idea" I heard alot of shuffling.

"Hey Cody its Kaylee listen closely"

Sky's Pov

I was at the mall with Mike and Alli shopping away. I got Cody some more Vans and shirts and the normal stuff. Shopped for Alex and the Simpsons.Oh and Mike too.When I walked by this one building that had tons of jewerly on display. I saw Mike roll his eyes and say something to Alli as I walked into the store.

"Hey Als check this out" She walked over and dropped all her bags just to hold the diamond necklace.

"I love it!" I smiled and saw a beautiful ring. Mike was standing at the door talking to some girl. "You like the ring?"

"No I love the ring, but could never afford to buy it"

"Your soon to be an actress just like me, you will be able to buy it" I rolled my eyes at Alli. She put the necklace back on the counter. I turned to leave before her.

"Come on Alli hurary up Cody is probally going crazy" I watched Alli slide her phone into her purse then run to catch up with me.


We walked in the door and Cody was on the phone. With Matt I was guessing. But I didn't hear them talking bizness.

"Hey babe" I said kissing his cheek. He quickly hung up after he realised I was in the room. Weird. I felt my phone vibrate."Gotta take it sorry babe"

"Its perfectly fine" It was the lady who asked me to be in this moive.  Probally just wanting to know my final anwser. My mum loved the idea. But I haven't told cody yet. I guess i'm afaird that he might not suport the idea. I walkback inside andcheck the time its 5.  My mum was sitting on the couch with her head rested on my dads shoulder. Angie was on the phone ordering dinner. Brad was hanging Christmas lights. Wait my mums head on my dads shoulder? I took off running to Alli's room. Her door was shut but I burst in anyway.

"Ahh i'm wrapping gifts!"

"Just shut up and listen I think my mum and dad are well in love again! BUt my dad has Emma and a kid!"

"Breath Sky your dad is divored again. I heard him and ur mum talking Emma cheated its not his kid"

"Your kidding me!"

"Nope now leave" Alli pushed me out the door and slamed it shut. I walked to my room when I passed Cody's. He was playing his gutair.

"Hey what song are you playing?"

"Oh nothing just stumming some cords"

"Teach me" He looked at me slightly confuzed.

"Okay" We spent the next hour play gutair.

"I'm doing it like you told me too!"

"No your not your doing it your way!" Things aren't going well.

"Guys Just shut up and come and eat" Alli interruted. Cody was frustrated and I was mad. Cody screamed at me alot. I walked outside to get away from Cody. I saw Mike talking to the same girl from the mall.

"Mike why don't you bring your friend inside to join us for dinner" My mum yelled from behind me. They walked this direction and came inside.

"So who is this beautiful girl?" Dad asked shaking her hand.

"A friend from school" I saw the girl shoot him a look. Odd.

"My name is Charlette" She said with a beautiful smile.

"Nice to meet you" I shook her hand. I didn't believe that they were 'just friends' but her was still dating Hope. She stayed over for about an hour after dinner. Answering question after question from my parents.


 Its past midnight and everyones asleep. Expect me of course. I mad a cup on hot chocolate and took a seat on the couch and stared at the lit tree. I don't think i'll take the moive deal. I mean I love going to school with all my friends back home. But this is huge!

"Hey babe" I jumped. "Sorry about yelling at you earier"

"Its fine" He joined me on the couch and wrapped his arms around my waist. "No" I pulled his arms off me. I was trying to think and he was no help.

"Babe talk now whats up?"

"I'm thinking!"


"Your making me mad"

"Talk to me, you don't tell me anything anymore. Like that you got a moive deal?"

"I'm not going to take it anyway so it doen't matter"

"Why its a great chance for you"

"Because you hate the idea and I want to be normal, I go to the mall and watch people whispear about me, take pictures. Cody we are just another celbrity couple" He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my chin up and kissed my lips softly.

"I don't care what they say, I love you and thats all that matters to me" He took out his phone and took a picture on us kissing and tweeted it. His caption was 'Let them talk all they want but she is my world that all that matters to me' I smiled and fell alseep in his arms.

A/N: I might not write authors notes on the next few chapter and i'm not spell checking either. Being lazy :P and there going to be short but i'll keep updating :) comment what you think Sky's gift will be first to guess gets the next chapter deicated to them :) xoxo -Kiara

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