Order Of The Phoenix

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The Marauders and their friends were falling into another room, hitting the ground with aloud thud. Groaning and panting, they slowly got to their feet. Remus saw a massive veil right in the middle of the room, placed on a high rock. He slowly edged towards it as the others found their footing. Harry, picking up his wand, raised it at James.

"Who are you!?" he barked. "What are you doing here and what do you want from me?"


Hermione and Ginny were trying to get him to put down his wand but he didn't budge. James didn't retaliate. He just raised his hands up in defeat, staring straight into Harry's eyes.

"We lied about who we are," James said.

"I know that much," Harry scowled. "So who are you really?"



There were noises being made from above them, where the door was. Moving backwards so they were closer to the veil, Harry instructed, "Get behind me!"

The others moved to stand behind him, all 9 wands raised at the door. And out of nowhere, black smoke started to surround them. Harry tried his best to fend off the smoke but he fell on his front. He curled up into a ball, the prophecy still in his hand. The smoke then disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Harry looked up and saw every single one of his friends each being held hostage by a Death Eater. All their masks were removed now. Harry recognized them from the Daily Prophet as those that escaped Azkaban. He saw the crazed Dolohov holding onto Ginny's hair with a wand on her throat. He saw the Ministry traitor Rookwood pinning Ron to his knees. And Bellatrix was holding onto Neville with such joy it was disturbing. 

The only people that weren't held captive were Harry, James and Lily. 

"Well well well," Malfoy drawled as he approached them. "Look who we have here. Its like one happy family reunited once more."

Bellatrix let out a cold laugh. Harry turned to James, who was glaring at Malfoy with such hatred. And Lily who was shaking but kept her wand trained on Malfoy's face. Harry, who had been very slow and confused the whole time, finally understood.

"Dad?" he looked at James, who returned a weak smile.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner," James apologized, for once looking very empathetic.

"But how-"

"I'll explain everything later."

If there ever was a 'later'. They were in a really bad spot. Voldemort really wanted the prophecy that Harry was holding. And he had sent his Death Eaters to get it for him. For some reason, they couldn't have taken it themselves but had to drag Harry to the Ministry to get it for him. But Harry wanted nothing to do with the stupid glass ball. He just wanted to get out of here with his friends alive. And the look of horror on all their faces said it all.

Malfoy started to smirk, "Did you actually believe, or were you truly naïve enough to think, that you teenagers stood a chance...against us."

Harry could see Bellatrix sneer back at him. He could feel the rage forming in his veins now.

"I'll make this quite simple," Malfoy said, holding out his hand once more. "Give. Me. That. Prophecy. Or watch your friends die."

Harry had no choice. Even though he didn't want to give Voldemort what he wants, he wanted more than anything to get out of there alive and save his friends from suffering due to his stupidity. Slowly but carefully, he placed the sphere in Malfoy's hand. And in a sudden blur, white smoke had appeared right behind him. 

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