6x6. What was that?

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"What was that?" A dancer says, walking into the room. "Nothing!" Hannah says, as she tries to cover up for them. "Yup, here it is...." Reggie says, "fixing" a light bulb. "Huh, okay?" The dancer nods, and leaves. "Thank you!" Hannah sighs, smiling. "Sorry everyone." Julie says, letting out a big sigh. "I'm not." Luke chuckles, kissing her head. "Oh god!" Alex groans jokingly. "Hey guys! What'd I miss?" Willie says, as Alex hugs him. "Julie and Luke." Alex says. "FINALLY!" Willie says, shaking them. "That's....AWESOME!" Willie smiles, as Hannah twirls Reggie. "That's better than last week!" Hannah jokes. "Nice job ballerina!" Alex chuckles. When Julie and her phantoms arrive back at the house, Nick is standing at the garage door. "Hey Nick!" Reggie smiles. "Hey...." Nick says plainly. "What are you doing here, again?" Julie asks, as the boys hold Luke back. "Just don't look at him." Willie says stepping to the side of him, kind of blocking him. "Just seeing if you were with him." Nick says, anger rising in his voice. "Okay first of all, that was rude. Second, I'm NOT INTERESTED!" Julie states. "Yeah right." Nick scoffs. "What was that?!" Luke asks. "I think she said she wasn't interested." He says, stepping in front of Julie, with his hands in his pockets. "Come here!" Reggie whispers, pulling her back a little. "Whatcha gonna do about it?" Nick challenges. "You really don't wanna know." Luke says. "Get Ray, get Ray." Reggie whispers to Alex, holding Julie away from Luke. "LUCAS GET INSIDE!" Ray says, stepping in between Nick and him. Luke backs up, and grabs Julie's hands, as she jumps on his back. "You need to go." Ray says sternly, blocking the view of the house. "She doesn't love him. He's just a ghoul after all." Nick growls. "What did you just say to me?!" Ray asks shocked. "Stop dad, we got this." Luke says, and Ray stands behind Julie and him. "Okay, okay." Luke smiles, at Ray. "All my life, an angelic voice had been stuck in my head. When I was hanging by a thread, I kept fighting, that is why your stupid boss keeps losing. True love always wins, not that you believe anything I say." He says. "You're right." Nick chuckles like Caleb. "Listen Nicholas, Caleb, whoever you are today! I love this so called "ghoul."  She says. "HEY!" Luke says. "Sorry, this very attractive rocker boy!" She says, turning to him. He chuckles, winking at her. "He has taught me how to live again, to enjoy life again. I spent my entire life searching  for my soulmate. Then at our darkest moments, we were brought together making each other better. So, tell me again, that I don't love him." She challenges him, stepping forward. "FINE! You win this round!" Nick retreats, leaving her house. She sighs, running into Luke's arms, screaming in frustration. "You did so good!" Luke says, kissing her head. "Wow you guys, that was intense." Ray chuckles smiling, patting Luke on the back. "Proud of you son." Luke smiles, as Rays walks back up to the house. "You two coming in?" Julie lifts her head up. "Don't wait up!" She answers, and Luke looks at her with a bit of confusion, and then horror as they flash into Caleb's cell under their theatre. "Right on time." Caleb smirks. "Oh shut up!" Julie snaps. "Fresh much?" He asks. "Demon much?" She asks, with her hands on her hips. "What do you want?"Caleb asks, sighing. "To not have Nick  be unbearable. He's always made me uncomfortable, but now I have to stop this one from ending him." Julie says, pointing to Luke. "Whatever Caleb residue you left that poor clout chaser with, for the love of deep dish pizza, get rid of it, now! I hate seeing Julie cry. It's like seeing Bambi cry!" Luke says.  "Too bad it's a shame you didn't join my side." Caleb smirks directly at Luke. "Nice try Darth Vader, my surname isn't Skywalker!" He says triumphantly. "Although that would be totally rad!" He mumbles, as Julie rubs his back. "There is another option I suppose...." Caleb begins. "What's that?" Julie asks. "You really need to stop asking that child." He says, sipping his tea. "CALEB NO DON'T!" Luke screams, understanding what's about to happen. "Too late." He laughs, as he possesses Julie. "Ahh!" She screams, falling into Luke's arms. "Jules?" He asks. "Caleb, he's trying to...." Her eyes turn purple. "Honey I'm home!" Caleb smirks, Luke ignores him. "Juliet?"He whispers. "I'm tired." Luke kisses her head, and takes her home, putting her in bed. "You jerkified jackass!" He says to himself. "Um so the love of my life has been possessed by a demon." Luke says, trying to not scream in Willie's face. "Caleb?" Reggie asks. "No Hades!" Luke says sarcastically. "OF COURSE IT WAS CALEB!" He shouts, before sobbing into his hands. "ALL SHE WANTED WAS PEACE!" He says explaining everything that happened. "You know Willie if I didn't know you were kind and genuine, you would be afraid of me right about now." Luke says, as pain sets in his voice. "What do we do?" He asks, trying to wrack his own brain, for even the slightest idea. "Have you tried doing your glowing thing to kind of draw him out?" Willie asks. "No, Willie I haven't." Ray steps in front of Luke.  "Respira hondo, todos te seguiremos." Luke nods, as Ray guides him up the stairs. "I'm scared." Reggie admits quietly, and Luke gives him a small pressed smile, and Reggie nods understandingly. Alex takes him into a hug. "He's just pissed at Caleb." He says, kissing Reggie's head. They hear very loud screams coming from her room. "Daisy!" Luke whispers, kind of dragging Ray behind him. "God, you're strong!" Ray groans, before letting go of him. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" Julie screams, and Luke just takes her hands. "I'm here." Luke says. "Please, help me.... he's suffocating me...." Julie says, before her eyes close again.

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