7x5. Boys night out (Part 3)

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"Hey Luke?" Carlos asks, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah?" He replies, drying the cups. "I thought you were asleep!" Luke teases, shaking his head. "Nah, I was just resting my eyes." Carlos smiles, as Luke stifles a little chuckle. "Okay, how may I help you?" Luke asks. "I wanted to hang out with you guys tonight." Carlos says. "Oh like a guys night?" Luke asks, Carlos nods. "Indoors or outdoors?" Luke asks, just as Alex walks in yawning and stretching. "Oooh what're we planning?" Alex asks making some tea. "Well, Carlos here wants to have a guys night with us." Luke informs. "With or without Julie?" Alex asks Luke, he kicks Alex to get him to stop talking. "Ow!" Alex winces slightly. "What?" Carlos asks. "Nothing, accidentally kicked a cabinet, is all." Alex says. "What happened?!" Reggie says, walking over to Alex. "Oh Alex kicked the cabinet!" Carlos laughs. "Accidentally!" Alex defends. "Hey, hey, what's with all the fighting? Boys?" Julie asks, standing up off the couch. "Turn around." Alex says, watching Julie scan the den. "Oh haha." She smiles, joining the group in the kitchen. "Whatcha boys going on about?" Julie asks. "We're trying to plan a guys night tonight." Carlos says. "Oh fun!" Julie smiles. "Yep!" Alex says, taking his tea to the table. "Alright, have fun! I'm gonna go work on my graduation cap."Julie smiles, messing Carlos' hair up before walking up to her room. "So, how do we feel about games gents?" Carlos asks. "I love them!" Reggie beams, before Luke can ask his follow up question. "Wait wait, what kind of games C?" He asks, giving Reggie's shoulders a soft squeeze, stopping him from being slightly hyper. "Mario Kart." Carlos smiles, as Luke and Alex breathe a sigh of relief. "It's not anything scary or nothing. Why, what game did you two think I was going to pick?" Carlos asks Alex. "Space Invaders, or something like that." He admits, as Luke nods in agreement. "Oh no, I don't like those!" Reggie frowns, as Luke puts his hand on his shoulder. "Relax man, no violent games tonight!" Carlos reassures him with a slight smile. "Alrighty!" Reggie smiles. The phantoms get some snacks while, Carlos sets up his switch. "I call Princess Peach!" Alex says, as they all read the character selection screen. "I pick Yoshi!" Reggie smiles, clicking "confirm." Luke scans the remaining characters thinking. "I pick Zelda!" He chuckles, looking at Carlos, who is thinking. "Hmm...." Carlos says, furrowing his brows. "Ah, found him!" Carlos smiles, selecting Kirby and starting the first race. As Reggie picks a song by Livingston. At age of nine I lived through Pixar on a screen
And every single problem seemed so little then to me
'Cause Flik still saved the anthill even though I couldn't see beyond
The kids at school that hated me and my insecurity
Oh, I thought I was invincible
But Mr. Incredible could only take so much and
I made my heart invisible
'Cause I thought that WALL-E could still find love with an empty soul
So keep me awake
Just look in my eyes
I'm trying to let go
I try to forget
The fairytale lies
But it's all that I've known
I was so scared to open up that door
Worried that the world outside wasn't my home anymore
This isn't Andy's room, these aren't the toys I used to know
What happened to the stories I was told?
Then my mother asked me
Could you find confidence
Beyond Lightning McQueen?
'Cause stories won't last once you wake from your dreams
I looked her in the eyes and asked her what it all means
If my heroes only go so far
Oh, I thought I was invincible
But Mr. Incredible could only take so much and
I made my heart invisible
'Cause I thought that WALL-E could still find love with an empty soul
So keep me awake
Just look in my eyes
I'm trying to let go
I try to forget
The fairytale lies
But it's all that I've known
Then my mother asked me
Could you find confidence
Beyond Lightning McQueen?
'Cause stories won't last once you wake from your dreams
I looked her in the eyes and asked her what it all means
If my heroes only go so far. "Reggie, you okay?" Alex asks, as he picks up Reggie's controller for him. "Yes, sorry got lost in the song." Alex smiles sympathetically. "Well looks like it worked, because you won!" They all cheer for him. "Awesome sauce!" Reggie says. "Can we play against the computer players now?!" Luke asks, they all nod, as Reggie picks another song from a DCOM. Sad to say our time's come to an end
But it's just goodbye until we do it all again
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, eight
Crazy how we got this chemistry
Crashing like a wave of energy
Have you heard, it's a fact
Opposites attract
Some cats like that vroom, vroom need for speed
And some dogs like that chill, chill ocean breeze
But in the sun, it's a party
You and me and everybody
It's been the best summer ever
Wheels and waves, surf and shades
Best summer ever
Rocking every night and day
Like shakes and fries, wet and dry
It all adds up to feel like
The best summer ever, yeah
Best summer ever
You's the gas that makes my motor run, yeah
And you might be the bubble to my gum
Who'd have thought we could ever rev it when we get together?
It's been the best summer ever
Wheels and waves, surf and shades
Best summer ever
Rocking every night and day
Like shakes and fries, wet and dry
It all adds up to feel like
The best summer ever, yeah
Best summer ever
Thought it's cool to own the beach alone
But it's harder, electric when we're close
Guess it's true, life's not a solo ride
Just dive in, the sparks are gonna fly
(One, two, three, four)
We can't stop singing cause the surf's up
It's meant to be, it's meant to be
I'm falling for you cause you're surf crazy
Just like me, just like me
We're cruising (yeah), cruising (yeah)
Cruising for a, yeah
Bike or board, grab your gear
And meet you right back here next year
We'll have the best summer ever
Wheels and waves, surf and shades
The best summer ever
Rocking every night and day
Like shakes and fries, wet and dry
It all adds up to feel like
The best summer ever, yeah
Best summer ever
So long
Later, gator
Hasta lasagna
Hasta luego
Aloha, shalom, au revoir, ciao
Best summer ever!

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