7x6. The Graduation (Part 4)

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"Jules!" Luke shouts, trying to wake Julie up. Julie just groans, and he just sighs. "Five more minutes!?" Julie pleads. Luke sighs, and yanks the blankets off the bed. "What the hell, I thought I set the alarm for ten!" She rolls to her side, reading the clock on her phone. "It's seven thirty!" She groans, rolling over again. "I know, I changed it!" Luke beams. "Why?!" Julie moans. "Carlos wanted to make you breakfast before dad takes him to school for his last day." Luke smiles. "Okay, okay, I'm getting up chill out." Julie says, pushing him away. "Good, I'll be downstairs helping." Luke says, before flashing downstairs, helping Carlos get the ingredients together for pancakes. "Hey dude you excited for tonight?!" Luke asks. "Heheha, yeah!" Carlos chuckles.  "Awesome!" Luke smiles. "You guys are performing tonight I take it?" Carlos asks, putting everything in a bowl to mix it together. "Yup!" Reggie says, walking over to the dining table. "Solid, morning Reggie!" Carlos smiles. "Morning guys!" Reggie beams, setting the table. "Morning bro, where's Lex and Dad?" Luke asks. "Here!" Alex says entering the room. "Ray?" Reggie asks, not seeing him anywhere. "Probably in bed, gonna be fashionably late like usual!" Julie laughs. "Haha, funny mija!" Ray says, walking in behind her. "Morning dad!" They all smile. "Buenos dias mi familia!" Ray smiles, sitting at the table. "Are the pancakes ready yet?" Reggie asks. "Yup!" Carlos says, putting the plate of pancakes on the table. "Alright, let's dig in!" Julie says, passing the plate to around ; after putting some on her plate. "These look fantastic Carlos, mom would definitely be proud." Ray says, after taking a bite of his food. "Thanks papa!" Carlos smiles, eating. "So bro, you ready for you last day of grade nine?!" Julie smiles, as Carlos nods. "Yeah, you ready to graduate?!" Carlos smirks, and Julie rolls her eyes. "Haha nice one you joker you!" She smiles. "So boys, any plans for today while Julie is at school?" Ray asks,  before finishing his morning coffee. " Um not really, I'm going to see Willie, and Reggie is going to the dance studio to see Hannah." Alex informs, as Reggie and Carlos decide who gets the last pancake. "Finders keepers, losers reapers!" Reggie proclaims. "Dude, c'mon I made them!" Carlos says matter of factly. "Fine, you can have it." Carlos sighs, letting Reggie win. "Yay! Thanks man! Here we'll split it." Reggie says, cutting it in half. "Sweet!" Carlos smiles. "What's Luke gonna do today!?" Julie asks, before chuckling. "Well, we've got band rehearsal, then me and dad are decorating for the party later!" Luke smiles, as they all wish Carlos a great last day of school. Five minutes later Julie and the Phantoms head to their theatre. "Boss, what songs are we doing?" Luke asks. "Great, Stay With Me by Sam Smith courtesy of Alexander Mercer, and Stand Tall to start." Reggie smiles, and Julie smiles patting Reggie's back. "You got it bro!" Luke laughs. "Reggie, why don't you sing the first bit?" Julie says smiling, as she walks over to Luke, hugging his side. "Okay!"Reggie smiles, as Julie plays the piano. "Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious
And like a rubber ball
We come bouncing back
We all got a second act, inside of us." Then Julie comes in as usual. "I believe
I believe that we're just one dream
Away from who we're meant to be
That we're standing on the edge of
Something big, something crazy
Our best days are yet unknown
That this moment is ours to own
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great
(On the edge of great) great
(On the edge of great) great
(On the edge of great)
'Cause we're standing on the edge of great." After that song, it was Alex's time to shine. "Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand
But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But, darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?
No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control
And deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But, darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But, darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But, darling, stay with me." Then they did Stand Tall, after rehearsal, and the decorations were set, and school was over for the year there was only one thing Julie had to do. "Juliet Rose Molina!" The MC says, as everyone cheers. "She's a legend!" Luke shouts, as the whole family cheers the loudest. She then turns, and shows them her diploma, walking back down to her seat. "She did it, she graduated!" Ray chuckles, and the boys couldn't help but feel a little sad. "This, we missed THIS." Alex sighs, as the graduation hits a little too close to home. "I was gonna be valedictorian." Reggie mumbles, as a tear falls down his cheek. "I am really sorry boys." Luke says with tears brimming his eyes. It was at this point he realized he did in fact have some regrets. "Why did I suggest hotdogs? What kinda of brother goes; hey let's go get unsanitary hotdogs, in the back of an alley? Was I really that self centered?" He asked himself, as all the regrets of that night replay in his consciousness. He was so consumed in his thoughts, he didn't even notice Julie was hugging him.

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