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The Next Morning
"Julie!" Flynn shouts, jumping on her bed, making Julie fall off the bed with a loud thump. "Julie!" Flynn yells, as Julie groans, "owe!" Julie rubs her head, as Luke runs in all worried. "What the hell Flynn!" Julie chuckles, as Luke checks her head. "Sorry!" Flynn grimaces. "It was an accident right? Accidents happen cool one." Luke smiles. "Yeah Flynn I'm okay." Julie smiles as they stand up off the floor. "Oh phew! I didn't want any of Luke's wrath!" Flynn chuckles. Luke and Julie share a mischievous look. "Oh you mean this, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR FRIEND, MY WIFE, AND OUR WEDDING TOMORROW?!" Luke says in a firm, yet sarcastic tone. "Julie! Make him stop he's staring into my soul! I am sorry!" Flynn says, frowning. Luke giggles, as he leans back smiling. "That's the wrath!" Julie chuckles, sitting on the bed. "Hello? Where am I?! Flynn?!" Nick calls out, as his feet shuffle around. Luke groans silently, as he hides. "Luke come on!" Julie gestures for them all to greet him, he sighs getting up. "What's up?" Flynn smiles nervously. "Where am I?" Nick asks. "Our early moon camping trip." Julie says, as Luke and her come up behind Flynn. "Oh right." Nick rubs his head. "How'd I get here, why don't I remember me driving here?" Nick questions, as Carlos wakes up, and joins them. "Caleb." Carlos says, as he sits on the couch. "I am so sorry everyone, I am very sorry to have interrupted. However can someone please tell me what happened, the last thing I remember before waking up is, I was practicing my scales; and then nothing!" Nick states baffled. "Well we were about to jam out around the campfire, when your car raced up. You got out and started charging at Julie and Luke." Flynn starts. "Caleb then stated in his absurd opinion that our union is blasphemy!" Luke continues, rolling his eyes. "Then that jerk tried to break your neck to put it simply, I'm sorry Flynn, Nick." Julie finishes frowning. "Wow sorry about that everyone." Nick says. "You didn't mean it, we are all good, you're still invited to the wedding tomorrow." Luke smiles at Julie then at Flynn. "Um Luke mind helping me clean up the cabin?" Julie asks, Luke nods taking the hint. "I'll join you guys!" Carlos says, as the three of them leave Flynn and Nick alone to talk. "Wow." Carlos sighs. "What a night huh guys?!" He jokes, as Julie and Luke share a look; shaking their heads. "Yep." Julie sighs. "I really hope that things work out for them, Nick makes Flynn really happy." Julie smiles, doing the dishes. "It'll be fine Jules." Luke smiles. "Hey guys?" Carlos asks. "What's up C?" Julie smiles as Luke turns his attention to him. "Thanks for inviting me along, I had a lot of fun!" Carlos beams. "Anytime little bro." Julie smiles, hugging him. "Ugh!" Carlos groans, rolling his eyes; returning the hug with a smile on his face. "Wait let me take a picture!" Luke says, and they hold the hug until they hear him say "got it!" Then they pull away laughing. "What?" Luke asks. "It's nothing, you're just really happy." Carlos assures him. "Carlos!" Julie giggles, "ignore him, he's playing." Julie smiles, as Carlos smiles warmly. "It's cool bro! Shouldn't we start packing or something?" Luke says, before realizing how bad that sounded. "Packing!" Julie says before Carlos asks questions. "Yeah packing, come on everyone let's start cleaning up!" Julie announces, as everyone starts cleaning the cabin. "So Nick, how did your talk with Flynn go?" Luke asks, as they are putting the dishes away. "Good I think? I'm honestly clueless." Nick sighs, as he plops the sponge in the drain board. "No you're just worried, you're good." Luke assures him, peaking over to see Carlos helping the girls tidy the rooms up above them. "What?" Nick asks, noticing Luke's smile. "Huh?" Luke asks, drawing his attention back to Nick. "Sorry, my mind just went elsewhere for a minute." Nick nods understandably. "It's cool I understand! It must be super exciting getting married to the love of your life." Nick smiles, following Luke's gaze. "It feels like you're on top of the moon as the sun shines on it, bright, beautiful, and could light up the entire universe." Luke says, as he checks his watch. "Luke how long till the wedding?" Julie smiles at him. "Twenty hours left miss!" Luke reports  as he rocks back and forth on his feet. Julie smiles. "Thanks moon!" She winks, before carrying the girls trash bags down to the door. "Anytime star!" Luke smiles, as she hugs him tight. "You two look cute together." Nick smiles watching them hug. "Thank you!" Julie smiles, before setting the luggage by the door, as Carlos brings his trash down. "Luke can you make pancakes for dinner?" Carlos asks. "It's the boxed kind bro you sure?" Luke asks, he nods. "Alright, boys wanna help me?" Luke asks, giving Nick a serious look; as Nick started to laugh. "Sure." Carlos smiles. "I'm right behind you Carlos!" Nick says, stepping in line as Carlos follows Luke.  "Hey Jules you okay?" Flynn asks, noticing her frown. "Yes." Julie sighs, as she pushes her hair out of her face. "Then what's with the frown?" Flynn continues. "He left me feeling cold." Julie says, before rubbing her shoulders, shivering. "Oh." Flynn says. "Hey boss?" Luke looks at Julie smiling. "Nick keep an eye on the pancakes." Luke whispers, before giving him the spatula, and walking towards the girls. "Excuse me Flynn, Julie, can I sit with you guys?" Luke asks. Julie hugs him tight before they sit next to Flynn. "Of course Luke anytime." Flynn smiles. "Pancakes are ready!" Carlos shouts, causing Julie to groan.
"What?" Carlos asks. "Nothing, I was just comfortable." Julie says, getting up. "Thanks Carlos." Luke says, allowing Flynn to follow behind Julie. "Luke!" Julie calls out. "I'm here." Luke smiles, as they all sit down at the table to eat dinner. "You okay?" Luke asks Julie. "Impatient." Julie laughs and he smiles.

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