7x9. Alex and Reggie

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"So Reggie what're we gonna do?" Alex asks, turning to him; after the car rounded the corner out of their view. "Write our groomsmen speeches?" Reggie suggests. "Please tell me you at least have something written, you know how important this is to our friends! We only have three days left!" Alex says with panic rising in his voice. Leaving Reggie chuckling, "you know I have trouble with words mate!" Reggie smiles, as Alex lets out an annoyed huff. "Fine, let's figure out your speech." With that Reggie and Alex retreat into the garage. "Alright man do you have any story, any memory with Luke you might wanna share?" Alex asks grabbing his notebook, as he leans into the couch; Reggie opposite of him. "Ooh um.... uh..... how about the time we.... no that's not it." Reggie ponders, as Alex looks up at the ceiling patiently waiting for his friend. "Hey I got it! How about the time when Luke mentioned his dream girl?!" Reggie asks. "There you go!" Alex says, perching himself up to begin writing as Reggie spoke. "I remember the day as if it was yesterday, the band and I were headed to our garage studio after school, when Luke was writing down something in his journal." Alex smiles writing all this down, as Reggie continues speaking. "He said and I quote: "I'm writing a letter to someone. That someone is a girl named Julie, she's everything Luke was waiting for his whole life. Congrats  you two, may you both find harmony in every single moment you share together from now till eternity." Reggie finishes, letting out a deep sigh. "Dang man that was really good!" Alex smiles, taken back a bit. "Thanks man!" Reggie smiles. "Can I hear yours?" Reggie asks. "Yeah sure." Alex says clearing his throat, and flipping to his speech. "Luke and Julie, Juke if you will; have brought us here today, to celebrate their love and unbreakable bond with one another. The night the band and I met Julie, Luke and her glanced at each other and for a moment it seemed as though they'd met before." Alex pauses taking a sip of his water before he continued on. "He had this gleam in his eyes, like something that he had lost, had been found. After those moments it was like Luke was on top of the world. Julie became apart of our little family instantaneously and we wouldn't want it any other cheers you two, you're finally married! Now where's the cake?" Alex finished, as Reggie chuckled. "That was amazing! What do you think the quartet is doing right now?" Reggie asks. "I don't know, let's see." Alex says, pressing call on his phone. Two rings later Julie appears on the screen. "Hey guys! Whatcha doing?" Julie asks. "Just seeing what you guys were up to!" Reggie smiles. "Oh! We're making s'mores on the stove. We just got here!" Julie smiles passing her phone around. "Hey ghosties!" Carlos chuckles, passing the phone to Luke. "Haha bro, seriously though that joke is old as heck!" Luke laughs along with everyone else. "What're you boys up to?" Luke asks the boys, making his sandwich. "There we go!" Luke chuckles, licking his fingers clean of melted chocolate. "Oh we just finished going over our speeches for Saturday!" Reggie beams. "Cool Jules what day is it?" Luke asks. "It's Tuesday!" She smiles. "Luke, hey bro!" Alex shouts. "Hm? Oh sorry I was lost in thought." Luke chuckles. "Anyway, got any other plans till Friday night?" Luke continues. "See family, play video games, make our rider lists for the bus, and make sure Hannah and Willie have their passes and gear packed." Alex informs. "What's a rider?" Carlos asks. "A rider is a set of requests or demands that a performer sets as criteria for performance, which are typically fulfilled by the hosting venue and or crew." Flynn smiles. "Oh neat!" Carlos says sinking his teeth into his s'mores. "It is pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie! Reggie chuckles. "Alright we're gonna let you get back to your trip, we'll see you all on Friday!" Alex smiles, holding his phone up to his face again. "Okay everyone yell bye!" Julie says. "Bye bye!" They all yell as Alex hangs up. "Our boy's getting married in four days! Our boy's getting married. Wow time sure does fly." Reggie sighs. "You could say that again." Alex jokes. "Okay, time -." Reggie begins and stops himself. "That was a rhetorical joke, wasn't it?" Reggie asks. Alex nods smiling slightly. "Hey boys?" Ray asks coming into the garage. "Yes sir?" Alex asks, as his back stiffens. "Hey Ray, what's up?" Reggie asks nonchalantly. "Well I was gonna ask you two if you wanted to make spaghetti and meatballs with me, it's completely up to you guys. I just thought I would ask before I went ahead and made some." With that Reggie and Alex share a look between each other, before Reggie turns back to Ray. "Yes that actually sounds fantastic!" Reggie beams. "Alright let's go!" Alex says standing up, and stretching as he stood. "Awesome!" Ray says as he heads back into the house; with the boys following behind him. "Anybody else already anxious about the wedding?" Alex asks, as he feels beads of sweat trickle down his neck. "You'll be fine mijo." Ray smiles, as they all enter the kitchen. "Here you can help by rolling out the pasta!" Ray smiles handing Alex the rolling pin. "Thanks dad!" Alex says accidentally. "You are very welcome." Ray smiles. "Reggie you get to roll out the meatballs!" Ray smiles as he goes over to the gravy pot. "Wow I can't believe it's finally happening, seems like just yesterday I was cooking the same meal with her mom, Rose." Ray smiles, as the boys continue their jobs. "She seemed really cool." Alex smiles. "Right, yes she is I'm glad all of Julie and the Phantoms got to meet her! Now who's hungry?" Ray asks, and they all raise their hands. "Bon appétit!" Ray smiles.

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