6x9. Growing Pains

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Previously on Eternity:
"Hey guys, whoa what the hell happened?!" Ray asks. "Julie defeated Caleb!" Reggie beams, Luke smiles, wiping his eyes. "She sure did! We helped to, but she rocked it; like she always does." Luke smiles, standing up. "She's just a bit weak is all." He informs Ray, walking upstairs, into her room. "You got him!" Luke smiles, before sobbing uncontrollably. "Julie, I am so so sorry, so sorry." He practically pleads, internally choking on sobs. She's free floating on air unconsciously, and he can't wake her up. "Dulce niña, por favor despierta,¡por favor!" Luke pleads, softly grabbing her and putting her in bed. "Legend, why does my body hurt so bad? Like someone electrocuted me? Is this what mom felt?!" Julie says in a panicked tone, but it comes out tired and weak.  "Shhhh, take it easy, you just expelled a lot of energy." He says, kissing her head. "Okay, your pretty. Nice blue tinted hair!" Julie smiles. "Alright my angel, get some sleep!" Luke says, sitting next to her, reading about magic. Then all the sudden, she reaches over and burns a hole in his pants, making him look like a guy from Blink 182, or Linkin Park. Then he sees water leave her palm, as if sensing it. "What the hell?" Luke mumbles to himself, as she rubs his cheek. "So beautiful!" Luke smiles, as he gets a look into her dreams. A hour later she wakes up, and accidentally fries a hairbrush. "Legend!" Julie screams, and he opens his eyes, to see her hair engulfed in purple flames. "Whoa, that's a great look." Luke flirtatiously jokes. "Oh shut up!" Julie bites. "Tell me how I have all the abilities you guys have?! I understand yours, but then I have like extra!" She asks, gripping his shirt. "Um uh, yeah. Am I dead?" Luke asks, drooling a little. "No Legend." She chuckles, wiping his mouth. "There you go." Julie smiles. "STOP DOING THAT, I'M WEAK OKAY!" Luke growls frustratingly. She winks, chuckling. "Please I'm really weak." He pouts, as he blinks. "Fine! I'll stop." Julie smiles, kissing him. "Thank you!" Luke chuckles. "Willie!" They yell, while flashing in. "WHAAA!" He screams, jumping out of his seat. "Ooh sorry!" Luke says, chuckling. "It's cool, all good man. What's up?" Willie asks. "Well miss Daisy over here, has experienced like I don't know, some kind of transformative puberty." Luke informs. "Oh my god, babe tmi!" Julie groans. "It's life, anyhoo what's going on with my wife?!" Luke asks. "She's not your wife yet dude." Willie points out, clacking his computer keys. "We know!" Julie bites. "What's happening to me?! WILLIE!" Julie growls, as Luke hugs her from behind. "Shh, no need to growl. Your mom from the looks of it had a lot of inner strength, and the ability to entrance people with music. Looks like you have that gift too, but your guides must've had you unlock all your abilities with one big, grand challenge." Willie says, reading books from the Molina book shelf. "Like defeating Caleb?" Julie asks, answering her own questions as everyone nods. "Look I just wanna be me, marry Luke, and tour, and then who knows...." Julie trails off. "Well your guides, must've have known you have the family to help you figure it all out, you might say they're growing pains?" Willie suggests. Then Julie and the Phantoms go rehearse a cover of Airplanes by 5SOS. Luke starts us off. "Most of my life
I sat on my hands.
I don't make a sound.
Getting it right
I made all my plans.
Lost, never found." Then he walks over to Julie, sharing the mic, looking into her eyes. "Your eyes, your smile can light up the night, night.
Embers and neon signs paint up our sky, sky." Then the boys join in. "Airplanes cut through the clouds
Like angels can fly.
We'll never die.
Sirens cut through the night
Like screams set on fire,
Rising up higher.
Like I've something to prove, nothing to lose.
In this city, in this city. Whoa." Then Luke goes through her, as she giggles. Then she walks around. "All of this time
I questioned myself.
I never could wait.
Looking for signs,
Not asking for help.
I know it's too late." She smiles walking around dancing with Reggie and Alex. "Love lost and buried here. It comes to life, life.
Make believe worlds make us all feel alive, live." Luke sings to Julie. Then Reggie and Alex sing. "Airplanes cut through the clouds
Like angels can fly.
We'll never die.
Sirens cut through the night
Like screams set on fire,
Rising up higher.
Like I've something to prove, nothing to lose.
In this city, in this city. Oh." Then Alex sings with the three of them harmonizing with him. "I don't ever wanna wait for this,
I know that I was made for this.
I won't fade into dark.
I'm not gonna say that I'm sorry,
Gonna see the end of this story.
I won't fade into darkness." Then they all join in together singing. "Airplanes cut through the clouds
Like angels can fly.
We'll never die.
Sirens cut through the night
Like screams set on fire,
Rising up higher
Like I've something to prove, nothing to lose.
In this city, in this city. Oh." Then they all hug, "That was amazing guys!" Julie cheers. "You rocked it miss sass!" Alex compliments. "Thanks sweetie!" Julie smiles, as Luke and Reggie pulls them into a group hug. "You guys all rocked it!" Julie smiles, and Luke just admires her. "I can do this!" Julie nods, as Luke winks. "Never doubted you, it was all Reggie, love ya sweetie!" He says, kissing Reggie's head. "Thanks bud! Wait.... HEY!" Reggie says, finally catching on. "It's okay mama sita still loves you!" Julie says, hugging him tightly. "Thanks!" Reggie chuckles, pulling away from the hug after a few seconds. "Hey, I love all of you!" Luke states, as the group giggles.

Eternity  - Juke | JATP FANFICTION (BOOK TWO)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat