8x1. Campfire jams & unwanted guests

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"Since we're done eating, how about some campfire jams?" Luke asks, as they all sat in a circle around the fire pit. "Let's hear it!" Flynn smiles, eating a graham cracker. "What should I play?" He asks, slinging his guitar over his neck. "Pass!" Flynn says, unable to think of what song to request. "Okay, little bro?" Luke asks, plucking the strings quietly. "Um, hmm how about "Hey There Delilah?" Carlos asks. "Good choice bro!" Julie says, eating a marshmallow and graham cracker sandwich. "Okay!" Luke says getting ready to start the song, as the group's blinded by Nick's headlights coming into the campsite. "Stop!" He yells out the window, bringing his car to an abrupt stop. "What the heck!" Carlos says, as they all move out of Nick's way, as he's charging towards them. "Whoa there dude this isn't a track, it's a campsite." Luke says, stepping in front of him. "Out of my way!" Nick bites bitterly. "Yeah no go dude, not until you tell us why you charged at us like some kind of animal!" Luke says firmly, keeping his stance. "Get out of my way zombie boy!" Nick growls. "Someone's salty!" Carlos jokes and Flynn puts her hand over his mouth. "Not now!" Flynn whispers. "What is the matter with you Nick?!" Flynn asks, as Nick eyes change color. "Get Carlos out of here! Hide!" Julie instructs, as a black flog starts to emerge from Nick's body. "GO!" Julie persists as Flynn and Carlos try to stay. "RUN CARLOS!" Flynn says as she sprints past him towards the cabin door. "BEHIND YOU!" Carlos yells, as he sprints into the cabin behind her, locking the door. "What are you doing here Nick, Caleb?" Julie asks. "To stop this blasphemy!" Caleb says with a slight hiss. "What the heck man! Look just because you're a bitter self centered demon, who thinks everything is their's for the taking, DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO POSSESS THIS POOR BOY FROM YOUR CELL IN THE UNDERWORLD!" Julie snaps. "To ruin the lives of my friends and family, simply because the boys have a home, people that love and admire them, and what do you have? Jealousy and resentment for starters." Julie continues, walking closer to Nick. "It should've been me taking over the world. Not them and certainly not with some teenage girl at the helm!" Caleb snickers. "That's rude, and sexist!" Julie says, as her eyes turn purple. "Julie help me!" Nick screams in pain. "Shut up kid!" Caleb yells. "Luke!" Julie calls. "Already on it!" Luke says, keeping Nick's neck from snapping by the jolts of electricity. "Come on kid don't fall asleep!" Luke says, holding his head still. "Caleb I demand you leave before things get fiery!" Julie says firmly, as her and Luke slowly guide Nick to the ground. "Stay awake okay, this won't hurt a bit alright." Julie says softly, putting her hands over her hands over his body, closing the communication portal. "Good work boss!" Luke smiles, letting Nick's head go. "Thank you legend!" Julie smiles, fist bumping him. "Is he okay?" Carlos asks Flynn, as they both anxiously watch from the window. "He seems to be okay, just resting." Flynn smiles, as Luke puts Nick on his back. "Flynn open the door please!" Luke says, as he walks up to the door. "Here you go!" Flynn says, opening the door; and moving out of the way as Luke sprints to the couch. "Thanks cool one!" Luke smiles, putting Nick on the couch. "Wow what a night!" Julie sighs, chuckling at the absurdity of the last hour. "There's always demons to be exercised, poor Nick." Julie laughs, wiping her eyes. "On that note lights out everyone!" Luke says, squeezing her hand back. "Boys in one room, girls in the other!" Julie smiles. "What about Nick?" Carlos asks, as his arms rest on the back of the couch. "Ah, he can stay there, it's fine dude." Luke says, draping a blanket over him. "Alright, last one to the room, gets the bed under the air vent!" Carlos smirks. "Ah come on bro, night girls!" Luke smiles, racing Carlos to the room. "Dang it!" Luke says, groaning as Carlos laughs. "Hey, you okay Flynn?" Julie asks, noticing her frown. Flynn walks over to the counter and sits down. "Honestly?" She sighs. "No, has this happened before?" Flynn asks, as Julie joins her. "Yes it has unfortunately." Julie sighs. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Flynn asks, a teardrop rolling down her cheek. "I didn't want to put you in more   danger, or have you be a person Caleb can target to get to me." Julie smiles, handing her a tissue. "You know what accurate, but you could have told me, you can tell me anything; promise." Flynn smiles, wiping her eyes. "Noted!" Julie chuckles, Flynn looks at her and starts laughing. "Shh, the boys are sleeping!" Julie whispers, stifling a laugh. "Right sorry!" Flynn grimaces. "You're good!" Carlos responds, leaving the girls to chuckle. "Love you bro!" Julie giggles, rolling her eyes. "Alright Jules I'm wiped out, I'm heading to bed." Flynn stands up, yawning. "Right behind you." Julie says following behind her. "Night Nick!" They both say in unison, heading to their room. "So? Does this mean Nick's invited to the wedding again?" Flynn asks. "Was he ever not coming?" Julie asks, furrowing her brows. "No, not in as a plus one sense, I mean did he get his own invite?" Flynn clarifies. "I think so? Luke?" Julie calls. "Hold on Jules Carlos is beating me is beating me in free throws!" Luke groans. "Dammit!" He sighs in defeat. "When I get back we're having a rematch!" Luke says. "Uh not tonight!" Julie interjects, as Luke enters the room. "Yeah your sister said lights out bro!" Luke smiles as they hear Carlos' defeated sigh. "What's up girls?" Luke asks making eye contact with both of them. "Was Nick invited to the wedding?" Flynn asks. "Yes." Luke smiles.

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