7x8. Here's to adventure!

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It's been a few days since Julie and the Phantoms rocked Julie's graduation party; and now Julie was cleaning her room. "Carlos!" She calls out to him. "Yeah?!" He yells over top of his game. "Do you wanna watch an anime with me after I finish packing for the camping trip?!" Julie asks with an audible smile. "Sure! Speaking of anime, where's Reggie at? Isn't that like your guys' thing?" Carlos asks, making his way to her room. "Reggie's with the boys in DTLA." Julie informs, smiling. "Plus you like anime too, and I wanted to do something with just us siblings!" Julie continues, as she zips her backpack up. "Alright, I'll get the snacks this time around!" Carlos smiles, as Julie puts her backpack along the wall on the floor. She then picks a random anime film to watch. "Alright, I got popcorn, rainbow sour ropes, and cola!" Carlos says, setting the tray of snacks on the bed. "Sweet! Let's watch this thing!" Julie says, as Carlos sits next to her. Julie takes a piece of popcorn and pops it in her mouth; while pressing play. Meanwhile, the boys found themselves at the local arcade. "Oh c'mon, that alien was a mile away!" Reggie says in disbelief, after getting eliminated by an alien for what seemed like the millionth time. "Should we help him?" Alex whispers to Luke. "This game is rigged!" Reggie says frustrated, putting the plastic weapon back into its console. "Yeah." Luke says, taking a popcorn chicken nugget, and popping it into his mouth. "Can I try?" Alex asks, patting Reggie on the back. "Be my guest! It's rigged though man." Reggie sighs. "Okay, thanks for the heads up!" Alex says, chuckling a little to himself. Luke and Reggie stand back, enjoying their dinner and show. "There's no way he's gonna win!" Reggie chuckles. "Haha funny, I might be a drummer but I can still hear you!" Alex says, shooting the aliens with ease. "How are you so good at this game?!" Reggie asks. "You gotta point where the censor is." Alex smiles as the word 'WINNER' pops up on the screen. "And that's how you do it bro!" Alex says, putting the weapon back into its console again. "Wow!" Reggie laughs, as the boys leave. "I can't believe you and Julie get married in a week!" Alex smiles. "Where does the time go, where has it gone?!" Alex continues, as they round the corner to the subway terminal. It was now almost midnight, and the guys were heading home. "I can't wait!" Reggie smiles, as they both look at Luke; whose smiling like an idiot. "It feels like I've waited a century." Luke sighs. "Technically it's only been a little over a quarter century." Alex corrects, out of habit. "Shut up Alexander, way to kill the little pow wow we're having." Luke smirks slightly, as his firm tone struck a chord with his friend. "Okay, sorry man. Geez!" They guys laugh with Alex, before drifting off to sleep. "Alright passengers heading to Los Feliz this is your stop, please watch your step when exiting the cabin!" The subway conductor announces over the speaker system an hour later, as the boys groggily make their way over to the automatic door. "Only five more minutes boys, five more minutes." Luke reassures his friends, wrapping his arms around them, exiting the subway. "Aren't you tired?!" Reggie groans, his head resting on Luke's arm. "It's the adrenaline rush that's keeping my eyes open." Luke says matter of factly. "Good to know." Alex says. As the boys reach Julie's house they grow quiet, not wanting to wake anyone. "Thank you." Reggie and Alex sigh, before falling onto the couch fast asleep. "You're welcome!" Luke smiles, putting a blanket on them. "Sweet dreams fellas!" He whispers, before heading up to bed. Luke then hears Julie's TV on, as he walks past her room. "Jules? Carlos?" Luke whispers, quietly walking in. "Hmm?" Carlos replies. "How was your night?" Luke asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Awesome!" Carlos smiles. "That's legendary bro!" He says ruffling his head. "Hey what's all the noise about?" Julie asks rolling over. "Hey Jules!" Luke waves. "Hey, are you packed for the camping trip?" She asked. "My bags in the closet." Luke smiles, before picking up the empty snack bowls and tray. "Sweet dreams you two." He smiles before turning off the TV, and heading to the kitchen. After cleaning the dishes, Luke crashes onto the couch. A few hours later Julie shakes him awake. "Luke get up!" Julie says, while pushing him towards the edge of the couch. "Mhmm." Luke groans, rolling onto the floor. "Julie!" Luke groans, sitting up and rubbing his head; while Alex and Reggie erupt into fits of laughter. "Good morning!" Julie says, suppressing a laugh. "Morning Julie!" Reggie says chuckling. "Morning Reggie, Alex!" She smiles. "Hey hi hello!" Flynn smiles eating eggs and bacon. "Hey cool one! How long have you been here? Where's Nick?" Luke asks, noticing his absence. Julie glares at him, he nods. "His loss is our gain! Right Jules?" Julie smiles. "Absolutely!" She says. "Mind if I come along, y'know since Nick's not coming?" Carlos asks Flynn. "I insist!" Flynn chuckles. "Pack a bag, you've got an hour!" Julie says, before ruffling his hair. "Awesome, thanks!" Carlos smiles before sprinting up the stairs, with the boys following behind him to speed him along. "You made his weekend, thank you." Flynn puts her plate down before speaking. "It's no problem, here's to new adventures, right?" Flynn laughs. An hour later the boys emerge from upstairs. "Have fun you guys! Be safe!" Ray shouts from his office, with an audible smile. "We will!" Carlos and Luke shout, before they exit the stairwell. Five minutes later Carlos, Flynn, Julie, and Luke are all in the car. "Bye guys, see you in three days!" Reggie smiles, as Alex just waves. "Be safe you guys, we've still got a tour to do!" Alex jokes. "Here's to adventure!" Carlos smiles.

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