7x3. Last week of School (Part 1)

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"I can't believe we're graduating at the end of the week!" Flynn beams. "Amen to that!" Julie chuckles. "I am so happy for you and Nick, Flynn. You two make a really cute couple!" She beams, shutting her locker, and helping Flynn get her textbooks. "Thanks Jules, speaking of boyfriends, where's yours?" Flynn asks, noticing Luke's absence. "Packing for tour!" Julie chuckles. "Oh right, I can't believe you two are getting married in like two weeks!" Flynn shouts excitedly. "Shh, keep your voice down, I am pretty sure the whole school heard you!" Julie whispers, covering her mouth. "The last thing we want is for the media to crash our ceremony, and around here? Everybody knows somebody. Hell, I'm pretty sure half the media arts students got internships at TMZ for the summer!" Julie explains, and Flynn sighs. "Okay, alright I am sorry. But aren't you at least excited?" Flynn asks, walking with Julie to the cafeteria. "Beyond!" Julie chuckles. "There she is!" Nick says, hugging Flynn. "Awe!" Julie smiles, turning her attention back to the senior assembly. This was going to be a long day. "Put your head on my shoulder, hold me in your arms baby." Luke sings to himself, finishing up packing. "Hey goons, you start packing yet!?" Luke calls out to Alex and Reggie. "Yeah!" Alex says, groggily. "Reggie on the other hand...." He chuckles. "Hey! It's not my fault I have a small pack!" Reggie says, justifying his procrastination. "ALEXANDER BE NICE!" Luke shouts, flashing in before Alex could challenge Reggie. "I wasn't even going to say anything!" Alex mumbles, and Luke shakes his head. "Ahh, guys?! A little help?!" Reggie said buried under his popped open suitcase, with contents spilling out. "Shit!" Luke mumbles, as him and Alex help Reggie out of his "avalanche" of clothes. "You alright there dude?" Alex asks, as he helps Reggie get back up on his feet. "Uh yeah man, thanks!" Reggie smiles, as Luke puts a bigger suitcase on the floor. "Awe man it's all too Julie, that's way too many butterflies and way too much glitter." Reggie says shocked. "This is mine." Luke says firmly, as Alex and him transfer Reggie's stuff into the bigger suitcase for him. "Oh sorry Luke I didn't mean...." Reggie starts, after a minute of awkward silence. "I know, it's all good." Luke smiles, as Reggie and him zip up the suitcase. "Okay now I'm done packing." Reggie says, as Luke and Alex stand up. "Good!" Alex says, catching his breath. "You okay Lex?" Reggie asks. "Yeah just y'know anxiety stuff." Alex says, fanning himself. "I'm back from the theatre boys!" Willie calls out. He was getting the theatre ready for Saturday. "In here!" Alex wheezes. "What happened?" Willie asks, immediately tending to Alex. "Beats us." Reggie sighs. "I guess I was just stressed about packing." Alex guesses, really not knowing what caused his sudden anxiety attack. "Are you okay now?" Willie asks, as Alex uses his inhaler. With a slight nod, Willie goes back to telling the boys about the stage design; Julie and the boys sketched up.  "That's awesome!" Reggie smiles. "Yeah! I know it's a bit late to ask, but did you guys finish getting your suits altered for the wedding?" Luke asks, already getting tears in his eyes. "Yes!" The boys say in unison. "Only twelve days left!" Reggie says, patting Luke's shoulder. "So quick question?" Willie asks. "Yes?" Luke asks, sitting on the couch, next to him and Alex. "Are you having your honeymoon before, during, or after tour?" Luke chuckles. "Before. Yeah since our headlining tour doesn't start for like two months and rehearsal doesn't begin for another  six weeks, we decided we leave the next morning." Luke smiles. "Which is why we are already packed, because we'll only be home for two weeks before we head to the east coast, and then well you know the rest of the route, I mean it is a two year long tour!" Willie chuckles. "Well Godspeed my man!" He says patting Luke's back. "Amen!" Luke smiles, looking at his watch. "Guys, I'm back!" Julie calls out. "So am I!" Carlos says, dropping his bag on the dining table. "Carlos, please take your bag to your room please." Ray says, coming in behind them. "Fine." Carlos groans, taking his bag to his room. "Wow, he's in a mood." Alex jokes sarcastically. Julie smiles, as Luke takes her jacket for her.  "Thanks Rocker Boy!" Julie says to Luke, as she fixes her dads hat hair. "Gracias!" Ray chuckles. "Yup!" Julie smiles, hugging the others. "C do you want a snack?" Julie calls up to Carlos. "Dessert tamales?" He asks, playing his Switch. "Okay, any particular flavour, or?" Julie asks in the stairwell. "Nope." Carlos replies. "Okay! Why don't you come down here and I don't know bond." Julie smirks. "No!" Carlos chuckles. "Did he just say no to you, boss?" Luke asks, walking past her, kissing her head. Julie nods, rubbing her arm. "Alrighty then." Julie sighs, walking back down to the kitchen. "Hey bro!" Luke says, plopping down in Carlos' desk chair.  "What do you want?" Carlos asks, with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. "Look, it's one of your last weeks with Julie around a lot, because after graduation, she's going camping with me, Flynn, and Nick for the weekend, then she's focused a hundred and ten percent on the wedding and the tour, sure she'll be here. She wants to hang out and do sibling things with you dude! Meanwhile you're up here, acting as though we're already on that tour bus, and moping about classwork that's due the next day. I know it's last week of grade nine, everything is coming at you all at once. But it's not the end, you still got some Julie and Carlos time! Make the most of it, stop playing Nintendo and just enjoy this time, sure it'll still feel the same. But no time is better spent than in the present moment. Alright I'll stop being preachy, I'll be downstairs if you need me." With that he flashes to the kitchen counter.

Eternity  - Juke | JATP FANFICTION (BOOK TWO)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz