Saline Solution

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It was dinner at the household. However, where there would normally be yelling and loud noises, there was silence. It caused Wilbur discomfort as he poked at his food, looking at it with an empty stare.

Many things had changed in the past 3 months. There was no longer music echoing around the house, Wil's sleep schedule had become more and more fucked and his appetite had shrunk, to the point where there was no point in Phil cooking for him.

He cleared his throat before standing, mumbling a small thank you to Phil before setting his untouched plate on the side.

Before anyone could make any comments, Wilbur left the house. Despite the icy chill that filled the air, he walked in only his t-shirt and jeans. He'd left a note at home, they'll know what happened. It was a blur but all he knew was he was now at the train station. There were barriers but, due to people having to be able to board the train, there were gaps. Wilbur found a sense of humour within it, considering how someone could still easily jump.

And someone will easily jump.

Letting out a shaky breath, he checked over in his mind to check if he'd forgotten anything. His search turned up empty. He let out one more breath before he heard the train coming. A small smile came upon his face as he went to step off the platform.

However, just before he could take the leap of faith, he was pulled back. Surprise took over his features as the train passed. A few strangled sobs started to escape him, though they weren't of relief. Someone, though not the person who had pulled him back, wrapped his arms around the brunette, as if trying to protect him from his demons.

Though his crying had not ceased, Wil looked behind him to see a crying Phil - the one who was currently hugging Wil - along with a breathless Techno.

"H- how d-d-did you know t-t-to c-c-come here? H-huh?" Wil stuttered, choking on his sobs. Phil was unable to answer, instead only holding Wil tighter. Techno instead took the lead, holding up the note Wilbur had left.

Wilbur gave a small but pained smile as humourless laughter escaped him. Of course they'd find the fucking note. Why wouldn't they.

"W-why didn't you tell us?" Phil sounded pathetic. He tried to keep a brave face but the way he barely managed to get his words out and the way his voice cracked as he spoke undermined it completely. Wil just shrugged in response, the despair had left him and had been replaced with a numbness. Phil simply held Wil tighter, scared that if he'd let go he may never see him again. Techno furrowed his eyebrows, a storm of emotions brewing within him. However, due to being the least emotional one there, he pushed them down and instead placed a hand on his father's shoulder. Phil looked up at Techno, who mumbled, "We should head home."

Phil nodded, and let go of Wil's torso, though he quickly grabbed onto his hand.

And with that the three walked back home.

MCYT oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora