Wish We Never Met

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Tommy had been pushing Wilburs buttons again whilst they were calling on stream, again. He had been doing it alot recently, doing things like destroying parts of his house or stealing his stuff, even just annoying him verbally.

Wilbur remained silent for a few moments as Tommy cackled. Tommy noticed the abscence of Wilburs voice, asking, "Big P?" After getting no response, he softly mumbled, "Wilbur?", an expression of genuine concern on his face. Wilbur responded by letting out a bitter mutter that only Tommy could hear, it being inaudible for to the viewers on the stream, "I just think it'd be best if we'd never met" Before hanging up.

Tommy couldn't hide his expression of shock and hurt as he quickly ended the stream. He pulled his knees up to his chest, his mind racing. 'he didn't mean it, did he?' He muttered, his vision going blurry from tears welling up in his eyes. His head perked up when he got a message from Tubbo. Maybe Tubbo being clingy wasn't always bad.

He smiled lightly to himself as he opened discord. He felt a pang of guilt in his gut as he saw Wilbur in his DM's below Tubbo. He clicked on Tubbos DM:

Tubbo: Hey, you okay??

Tommy sighed, of course his friend would pick up on his face when he ended the stream.

Tommy: Yeah

He responded, thankful that this conversation was happening over text and not call.

Tubbo: Then lets call


If he said no then Tubbo would know for sure that Tommy was upset, but if he said yes then he'd pick up on it. So he just closed discord and rolled his chair over to his bed, flopping onto it.

He stared up at the ceiling, blinking back his tears. He suddenly sat up, full of anger, "Y'know what? Who needs Wilbur?!" He exclaimed, standing up, "I was fine without him before, I'll be fine without him now!" Lies. He knew it, if anyone would've heard it then they would've knew it, but it was all he could do to cope with the hurt he felt. He sat back on his chair, rolling quickly back over to his pc. He quickly opened Twitter, ignoring the concerned tweets from his fans (and tubbo). He quickly went to Wilburs twitter, his cursor hovering over the block button. He swallowed, closing his eyes as he clicked it.

He felt immediate regret in his gut, a sign that this was not the right thing to do. He was lashing out, he knew it, but did that stop him? No. No it didnt.

He got out of his chair, laying down on his bed. He smiled to himself, a false sense of satisfaction had settled within him. His eyes slowly closed as he fell asleep, leaving this as a problem for future Tommy.

Tommy woke up to multiple missed calls from both Tubbo and Wilbur. He was confused when everything from last night hit him.
Oh right. Wilbur hated him. He said it'd be better if they never met.

And Tommy had lashed out.

Tommy let out a heavy sigh as Tubbo attempted to call him again. He answered the call, to Tubbos evident surprise. "Tommy! I've been calling you for hours, what happened, are you okay??" Tubbo exclaimed.
"Hours? Geez, kinda clingy, aren't you Tubbo?" Tommy joked, letting out a laugh as he set his phone on his bedside table. He pulled a hoodie on, feeling cold despite the sun shining outside. "Tommy," Tubbo said softly, catching Tommy off guard as he picked his phone back up, "You didn't answer my question!" He states defiantly, before sheepishly commenting, "Well, questionS" He puts emphasis on the word being plural, letting out a little laugh.

Tommy didn't respond, instead opting to pull his blanket over him. He started to space out, and must of actually spaced out as he was brought back to earth by Tubbo yelling his name. "What?" Tommy groaned, picking his phone back up, though he didn't recall dropping it. "I've been saying your name for five minutes straight!" Tubbo explained, letting out a sigh, "Tommy, please, I'm worried! And so is Wilbur!"

Tommy immediately hung up, tossing his phone across the room. Fucking Wilbur was worried about him? Ha. Funny.
He was the one who wishes they never met, what would he be worried about? That Tommy was going to try and contact him? Well he can rest fine because there's no way he would try to.
He wouldn't want to make Wilbur more annoyed at him. He felt tears start to form and roll down his face. He wiped them away with his sleeves, at first doing it aggressively but started to slow down over time, the energy slowly leaving him.
He stared at the ceiling, before deciding he should probably try and do something. He stood up and walked over to his phone, picking it up and checking for any cracks.

No cracks. Good.

He opened Twitter to immediately be shown tweets of people talking about Tommy blocking Wilbur. He instantly closed the app. He'd have to talk about it at some point but not now. He was tired. That and he couldn't be arsed.

Thats when he got a call from Wilbur. He hesitated before pressing the answer button. He didnt have to respond to his harsh comments when he said them. He could just hear them and find out his true colours. It was better to know now than have it on Twitter.

"Tommy?? Are you okay Tommy? I've been trying to contact you for ages!" Wilbur blurted out as soon as Tommy clicked answer. Tommy was taken aback, "What?" He asked, genuinely confused. "I asked if you were okay! You ended your stream early last night with no explanation and you haven't been answering me or Tubbo! Speaking of Tubbo, you shouldn't of hung up on him, he's been freaking out," Wilbur started to rant before he heard Tommy mumble something.
"What? I didn't quite hear that," Wilbur responded. Tommy took a breath before speaking. "What- What are you doing Wilbur?" He asked, his voice trembling, "Last night- Lat night you- you told me you thought it'd be better if we never met, and now you're calling me?? And asking if I'm alright?!?!" He yelled, not being able to stop his tears. "Tommy I-" Wilbur started before Tommy hung up and crawled under his covers.
He never really wanted to be a youtuber anyway.

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