Dancing in the moonlight

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Crisp air filled Wilbur's lungs as he took in a deep breath. He and a couple friends had went to the countryside for the weekend to go camping, and holy shit, was he loving it.

They had arrived just as the sun was setting, Phil and Techno had gotten there early so Phil had decided to set the tents up. Wilbur arrived with Niki, Ranboo, Eret, Tubbo and Tommy, having had the larger group due to travelling in Eret's minivan. Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo immediately set off to collect wood. They got lost instantly. Luckily for Tubbo and Tommy, Ranboo had ironically remembered the way they travelled and they were back before sundown.

Due to him being the one of the only ones who knew how to start a fire and being the least likely to commit arson out of that group, Techno was the one who set up the campfire. Once it was set up, Niki pulled out a bag of marshmallows she had bought with whilst Eret pulled out chocolate. Tubbo grinned as he pulled out the crackers, "S'MORES!" After a short while, the minors had all fallen asleep in a tent. Once they all knew for sure that they were out for the night, Eret smirked and pulled out a cooler from her van. "Beer anyone?"

And that's how Wilbur got where he was now, swinging on an abandoned tire-swing with a bottle of some cheap booze held loosely in his hand. Phil was leaning on the tree that the swing was attached to, a beer bottle in his hand as well, as he chatted to Techno, who was the only completely sober one there. Niki and Eret were sat on a log that was a meter or so away from the swing, talking absentmindedly about nothing as their bottles sat on the forest floor. Music was playing faintly on one of their phones, Wilbur couldn't recall whose.

Soon a song came on that made Niki's head perk up. Before Wilbur could process what was happening, he was pulled off the tire by Niki, who wore a wide grin, "C'mon Wil! Let's dance!!" Wilbur smiled softly before letting out a small giggle and spinning the two, causing laughter to be ripped out of Niki. At some point during the dancing session, Phil and Eret had started dancing with each other. Techno was leaning against the tree trunk that Phil had been, watching the scene unwrap.

They didn't care about how much of a headache they'd have tomorrow from the cheapness of the booze or how energetic the kids would be compared to them, all that mattered was there and then. It was a hell of a feeling. 

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