Kill the director

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(( A/N: I know this song doesn't fit just let me live please- ))

Quackity's quarrel with Techno had been yesterday, and today they had a meeting as the L'manburg government. The subject at hand just happened to be the troublesome hybrid. Tubbo started the meeting before turning to Quackity, the mexican being the second in command.

"Well, I think we thould-"He stopped himself after noticing his newfound lisp. Turning slightly red, he continued, "-do ith make a new plan. We could pothibly take him out at the thame time ath-" He immediately cut himself off again when he heard Fundy and Tubbo's laughter. The redness of his face increased from embarrassment but he decided to play it off as anger, shooting a glare at the two, yelling, "You know what?! Fuck you two! If you're jutht going to laugh at me then I'm gonna leave." And he did. He left the room without another embarrassing word, as much as he wanted to call them assholes.
 Letting out a heavy sigh, he let himself fall to the ground by L'mantree. Fuck Technoblade. Without Techno knocking out one of his teeth, he wouldn't have the gasp and wouldn't have a stupid lisp. He started to imagine scenarios where he was beating the shit out of Techno when he heard someone clear their throat next to him. Snapping out of his fantasies, he glanced to his side to see Tubbo sitting next to him. He glared but remained silent. After a few moments, he heard a small mumble from Tubbo, "I'm sorry."Quackity made a hum of acknowledgement before feeling guilt himself. He just yelled at an orphan with severe daddy issues and a 16 year old who Quackity himself has indirectly caused the trauma of. He sighed before sitting up, "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at Techno. I thouldn't have yelled at you two jutht becauthe I'm thour about getting killed by a pickaxe," He let out a small laugh of his own after feeling some of the tension leave him, "Man, I really do thound thupid, huh?" Quackity and Tubbo started laughing together before Quackity stood, holding a hand to Tubbo who accepted and also stood up. "We thould get back to the meeting, huh?" Quackity asked, "We were kinda dithcuthing an important ithue." Tubbo nodded and the two walked back to the meeting they were having. And it went good, with a minimum amount of laughter coming from the others whenever Quackity spoke.

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