Eyes Blue Like The Atlantic

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Schlatt felt his chest tighten, breath catching in his throat as he watched the water envelop the house. Sure, they were safe. Their house was a safe place. And he may have a God complex, but it still scared the shit out of him. 

See, what Schlatt would never tell Wilbur is that the goat hybrid couldn't swim. 

That's why when Wilbur went to the surface and left Schlatt, he was just a little bit pissed off. Okay, maybe a lot pissed off. He had no right to be, and somewhere within him he knew that. I mean, he had not only agreed to the dumb challenge but he'd never told Wilbur of his massive phobia of water and lack of swimming skills. And so, to avoid drowning - as he knew from previous respawns that it was a pretty painful - he decided to stay put.
That's why when he came down to try and convince Schlatt to come to the surface with him, the hybrid stayed put. That filled Wilbur with not only rage but with hurt. And so, due to now being filled with negative emotions, Wil decided to destroy sections of the underwater house.

Schlatt felt panic fill him as the cold salty water started gushing through the freshly made cracks in the structure. He tried to avoid the water but Wil destroyed his hiding spot. He resisted the urge to hyperventilate.
Not in front of Wil. Heck, not in front of anyone. His pride made sure of that.
Instead, he masked his fear with anger. He yelled at Wil before Wil dragged the man into the water that surrounded them. He couldn't fake it anymore. He started to thrash and scream - though his screams where practically inaudible in the deep sea. Wil's cocky expression immediately turned to one of concern as he grabbed a hold of the others wrist and swam to the surface, only letting go once Schlatt was on land.
Schlatt had a coughing for once he was on the top of the tree, barely stopping himself from throwing up. After a few minutes, he sat there - heaving and taking in all the air he could - staring at Wilbur, who was staring back. Finally Wil spoke up, "Dude, what the hell?! Why didn't you tell me you can't swim?!!" Schlatt shrugged, though he knew why. They both knew why. That damn hubris. He brushed of the near death experience as best as he could and the two went to the new house Wilbur had made.
Schlatt will admit, it was nice being in a house where you weren't constantly claustrophobic. Though, he'd never admit that to Wil - instead making fun of his house as the brunet made a snarky comment in return. Schlatt smirked. 

It was nice to have a good time with his friend.

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