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(Requested by @CrazyFoxStudios !! It's all platonic btw!)

Tommy was laying down in his tent, on his side as he practically coughed his guts onto the floor. Bloodied anthurium flowers lay in a small puddle of crimson. Tommy cringed and a shiver ran through his body at the sight.

If it weren't for this whole ordeal happening to him, he would've never known that they were flowers. He always just saw them as leaves.

He heaved, which was a hard feat due to the vines and thorns encasing his ribs; his lungs; his heart. He knew who it was. Tubbo, his best friend. No. His ex-friend. Tubbo clearly didn't like Tommy anymore. I mean, he had exiled him from L'manberg for fucks sake! And he didn't come to his party. And..

The compass. He let it burn. Dream told him that.

His eyes becoming glassy due to unshed tears, Tommy thought back on everything. Becoming lost in his thoughts.

He could easily roll onto his back, let the flowers choke him next time they dared to emerge. He could easily submerge himself into the depths of the water by his new 'home' and let it choke him. He could easily enter the nether and plunge into the lava that surrounded the area, let it burn him until he was no more. He could easily-



Tommy immediately sat up to face Wilbur, wiping the tears that had apparently shed. Wilburs eyebrows were furrowed in concern, confusion evident in his eyes. However, realisation that was quickly followed by panic ensued when he saw the bloodied flowers on the ground.

"Tommy? Who- Are you- Can I-" Wilbur was torn between multiple questions, not knowing which ones to ask.

Tommy gave his ghostly brother a reassuring look and put on a brave face, despite how much it drained him of all his energy, "I'm fine big man! Don't worry! Now c'mon, what are we doing today?"

Wilbur gave Tommy an uneasy glance but, upon the boy stubbornly refusing to show anything was wrong with him, he let out a sigh and reluctantly replied,

"I think we could build some Christmas things, it's almost the 25th!"

"Fuck yeah, that'd be pogchamp!!"

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