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Tubbo barely kept himself awake as he sat in the classroom. The lesson was so boring. Oh yeah and it didn't help that he hadn't slept for 3 days. But he was used to it. Skip out on sleep for 3 days, sleep for around 4 hours one night and repeat. He knew it wasn't exactly healthy but he didn't care. Not only had it become his routine by now but he had to get his video edited and homework done. And if that meant giving up on sleep then sleep would just have to wait. Tommy had noticed to boys shift in attitude however. He became more closed off to the world, would disassociate more often and was more rude. But he didn't know why. That was until Tubbo passed out in the middle of class, making a racket as he did so. Not only did he knock over the metal water bottle on the desk behind him but he also fell onto the floor with a loud thud. Tommy offered to take him to the nurses office, of course. It was his best friend. What was he gonna do? Leave Brad to take him? No. Brad's a bitch.

They got to the nurses office and- after a few moments- the brunette shot up, visibly panicked. Tommy gave the boy a reassuring look when they locked eyes and Tubbo started to calm. "Wh- what happened?" Tubbo stuttered, a sense of exhaustion to his voice. Tommy furrowed his eyebrows, explaining what had transpired in class to his friend. Tubbos eyes widened in surprise before turning slightly red from embarrassment. If only the earth would open up and swallow him whole. He will never live what happened down. And he knows that. In any normal situation, Tommy would've gave a small laugh at his friends embarrassment but this wasn't normal. His friend passing out in class wasn't normal. Tubbos recent attitude wasn't normal. Nothing about the brunet was normal right now. And it hadn't been for around two months. He couldn't just laugh this off. "Tubbo- Tubs, what- what's been going on?" Tommy asked, eyebrows furrowing even more. Tubbo stiffened at the question, immediately glancing away from his friend and gripping the 'bed' below him. If Tubbo told Tommy, Tommy would tell Phil and Phil would tell Eret. Oh God, Eret would know he's been pulling this stunt again. He promised after last time that it wouldn't happen again. He didn't want to disappoint Eret. Or Niki. Oh no, Niki would be disappointed as well. Would they be angry at him?? He didn't want them to be angry. Tubbos thoughts started to race as tears built in his eyes. Eventually the tears started to fall as he sobbed. His sobs were only broken by a small yelp of surprise when he felt Tommy's arms wrap around him. They paused for a few moments before he let out a strangled cry, the sobs continuing to emerge from him.

Soon the sobs that wracked his body devolved into small hiccups as his tears slowly came to a halt. Tommy gave a small smile at this, though his concern had now increased. There was only one thing he had seen Tubbo ever get that upset over and that was that one time Eret had gotten angry. Tommy's eyebrows raised as he pulled away slightly, still keeping his hands on Tubbos shoulders as he looked his friend in the eyes, "Did Eret get mad again? You can stay at mine if you're too scared to go home-" Tommy started before noticing Tubbo shaking his head. He raised an eyebrow at him, "What is it then?" Tubbo debated whether to tell him. The thoughts from earlier returned but Tubbo didn't let himself get lost in them, instead letting out a shaky breath and speaking, "I've kind of not slept for 3 days and- and I'll sleep tonight!! I always do every fourth night, I- I sleep for 4 hours! One hour f- for each day! B- but I need to stay awake the other nights s- so yeah," He trailed off after his rambling, panic immediately settling before he quickly added on, "Y- you can't tell Ph- Phil! Or th- then Eret will know I've done this again.Tommy's eyebrows furrowed one again as he took in the information that was just given to him, looking conflicted after he did so. He didn't want to betray his friends trust but he had to tell Phil. Then maybe Phil could give some advice on how to fix this. Lack of sleep was dangerous. Especially combined with stress. He knew this from experience with Techno. He still remembers the sound of Phil getting punched along with the bloody nose and bruised cheek that followed afterwards. It wasn't pleasant for anyone involved. And that was after 5 months. It had only been around 2 months since Tubbo seemed to become more tired. He didn't want him to end up like how Techno was. The thought of Tubbo lashing out was terrifying and too much to bear. Tommy sucked in a sharp breath before turning his attention back to Tubbo, "I- I'm going to have to tell Phil," He started. Upon noticing the obvious panic on Tubbos face at those words, he quickly continued, "I- I can make sure he doesn't tell Eret dude! It's- it's okay!" He pulled Tubbo back into a hug, giving a small squeeze of reassurance before pulling back away as the nurse came in - telling the two that Eret had came to pick Tubbo up. Tubbo swallowed and gave Tommy a nervous nod and a smile before leaving. Tommy sighed. He was not looking forward to going home.

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