Killer Queen

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His son turned around, a small smile on his face. As if this wasn't the situation it currently was. As if his son wasn't a criminal. As if Phil hadn't killed his own child.

"Hello father," He smirked as he slid his way down the hill he had been perched on. Phil took a step back, pinpricks of fear making the hairs on his neck stand up. Wil lurked towards him, the predatory look in his eyes contrasting the sickly sweet smile he wore. He opened his arms, when he reached Phil, "C'mon dad, can I have a hug? I missed you y'know?" 

Phil let loose some of the tension from his shoulders. He just wanted a hug. Who was he to refuse his child a hug? I mean, he did kill him. It was kind of rude for him to suspect him. Phil let out a sigh and opened his arms, hugging Wil. He missed the way Wil's face twisted into a sadistic smirk and the way he had pulled Phil's sword out of it's sheathing. 

Suddenly, Phil felt a sharp pain in his gut. His eyes shot open and he looked down, seeing the blade that had went completely through his body. He let out a sharp hiss as Wil twisted it before pulling it out. To Wil's surprise, Phil didn't let go of him. He only held him tighter. Tilting his head, Wil's eyebrow raised as he stared down at where Phil was now burying his face into Wil's shoulder. This was supposed to feel satisfying, right? 

After what felt like an eternity, Phil's body became limp. Wil let him fall. The way Phil's eyes were now red and puffy only accentuated the way his green eyes stared into Wil's soul. He felt a chill down his spine. Before he could think anymore about it, he left, leaving Phil's body behind. Someone would find it soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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