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//A/N: This is an AU!! Evil Phil aint canon, at least at not at the time of writing this. I doubt it will ever be canon though lmaooo but YEA! ENJOY!//

"Great," Tommy muttered under his breath, "Bloody great."

You see, Tommy had been hiding like a rat under Techno's house. I mean, he even had dnret and a way out! But, Techno had found him, and that's how Tommy was stuck it a corner with Techno pointing a crossbow at him. After a few moments of silence, Techno let out a deep sigh and lowered his crossbow, "You can come to me for help, y'know? I'd do anything to spite Dream, didn't give me the clout."

Tommy started hysterically laughing as Techno let out a small chuckle of his own, any awkwardness or tension being removed from the atmosphere. However, it was immediately returned when the two heard a call from upstairs, "Techno??"

Tommy kept his posture relaxed for a few moments upon hearing his father's voice before he noticed Techno's response. His breathing became more uneven; his eyes widened; and he became more tense. As if that wasn't enough to worry Tommy, when Phil called again, he flinched.

Techno, the blade, the man who never cowered to anybody, was flinching at the presence of their father.

Tommy gave a questioning look, a fear now instilled within him. Techno put a finger up to his lips, gesturing for Tommy to be silent. And so he did as Techno covered the entrance to the den. Techno's fear grew as he heard the footsteps grow near to the point where he recoiled when Tommy tapped him on the shoulder. Once he recognised that the possible threat was in fact just the 16 year old, he calmed slightly. Tommy beckoned for Techno to follow him as he started to move through a secret tunnel.

Soon, they reached the surface, the cold air of the snowy biome hitting them. Techno had noticeably calmed with more distance being put between him and the threat, though tension still remained. After a few moments of silence, Tommy turned to Techno, "What the fuck."

Techno let out a shaky breath, "You know how we thought Phil was the good guy?" A nod from the younger, "Well, we're wrong. So fucking wrong. He- he's manipulating Dream and Tubbo. He's the reason you were exiled. And he's trying to get me to kill Tubbo tomorrow, like kill him forever. No coming back."

Disbelief and betrayal stirred within Tommy and shook his head slowly, "No.. he.. no."

Techno gave a small nod, "Yeah, he is."

Adrenaline started to shoot through Tommy's body at the newfound terror he felt for the person he believed he could trust.

There's no way. Right?

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