Jubilee Line

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Wilbur had finished recording his song, Jubilee line, and was now editing it. He let out a heavy sigh as he went over the recordings, trying to determine which one was better. Scrunching up his nose, he took off his headphones, opting instead to put in his earbuds that were connected to his phone and pulling a hoodie on, going out for a walk. He fucking hated London. The toxic air choked him with every breath he took and the water was just so poisoned. Everything was just so unclean. Hell, due to the fucking stupid ass air around him he now had lung issues. He trudged to a gazebo that stood in the middle of the park, still deep in his thoughts as he settled on a bench inside of it.
He lost track of the time, not recalling how long he had been sitting there - listening to his music - when Phil sat next to him, bringing the man out of his thoughts when he asked gently, "You've been here for around an hour, you okay?" Wils eyes widened in surprise when he heard this. An hour? Huh. Wilbur forced a smile along with a laugh - though it sounded more nervous than his regular ones. "Y-yeah, just decided I wanted to take a walk," He half-lied, cursing himself internally for the stutter. Phil looked at the man doubtfully, Wilbur immediately recognising that his father figure hadn't believed him. "I- Its just-" He started before letting out a sigh, leaning his head on Phils shoulder. "When can we move Phil?" Phil smiled lightly to himself, wrapping an arm around Wils shoulder and squeezing him for a few seconds before rubbing his arm, "Soon. You've almost finished school, yeah?" A nod from the brunette, "We can move when you've finished school, okay? Techno's fine with it." Wilbur yawned as he nodded sleepily, only now realising how tired he was. "C'mon, lets go back home," Phil said, helping the younger one up.
It was pitch black as they walked back, it somehow getting darker as they walked. Wilbur smiled lightly to himself at this.
He likes the night.

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