The One With Christen's Epiphany

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Leave this blue neighbourhood
Never knew loving could hurt this good, oh
And it drives me wild

Getting over Kayla was a hard fought challenge for Christen. It was always hard to get over someone you love, especially in the way she did.

She thought she would struggle for months on end. But she didn't. She threw herself into her work even more than she had been already and pushed through by sheer will power.

And then.

Just one day out of the blue.

She met Tobin Heath.

And just like that. She got it. She understood. She realized what that must have been like for Kelley. For the love of your life to be more or less preoccupied with another alpha.

As soon as she met Tobin, she had the sudden urge to apologize to Kelley and Kayla and maybe even Tobin as well.

Apologize to Kelley because she understood how it felt as an alpha to see your omega witha another one. Especially, when you knew that omega was always supposed to be yours.

Apologize to Kayla for keeping her away from her alpha longer than need be. For confusing her into fits of tears that Kayla thought Christen didn't know about.

Apologize to Tobin for keeping her waiting. And even though the two of them hadn't met at that coveted investors conference until after Kayla, Christen still felt like she needed to make up for lost time.

And maybe she would've apologized if she thought Kelley wouldn't attempt to break her jaw on sight. And Kayla and Tobin just wouldn't have accepted her apologies all together, citing that they felt she she didn't need to apologize in the first place.

It was the thought that counted, though.

And then,

Christen and Tobin mated on the first date. Which, surprisingly, wasn't all that uncommon. Christen was done with all the courting and dating and talking. Christen just wanted Tobin. And boy, did she get her.

All in all, she felt like she needed to thank Kayla. For preparing her, and giving her a chance, and showing her the she was capable after Julie.

Because, Christen understood now, and she was never going to forget.


Kayla didn't necessarily like being pregnant.

Or rather, she didn't like how being pregnant made her feel.

She liked some aspects of course.

The major one being, Kelley couldn't keep her hands off of her even if she handcuffed them behind her.

The minor ones being, she was growing a fucking person inside of her who she would love unconditionally and would be a tangible product of her and her alphas love.

Kayla did not like how sick she felt. The pain. The exhaustion. She was very used to always being on the move and nurturing others and now she was bedridden and being taken care of.

Being pregnant with her baby girl was not easy in the slightest.

She was now laying in the bed, like she always did nowadays. Glaring at the television over her towering baby bump.

She was about six and a half months along and was at that point where she wanted nothing more than to get this damn hell spawn the fuck out of her.

Kelley was dutifully laying next to her, particularly engrossed in whatever was playing on the television, while Abigail napped in her room.

Suddenly, Kayla gasped in pain. She tried her best not to curse loudly, instead opting to smoothe a hand over her stomach soothingly.

And then it happens again.

"Kelley. Your demon spawn is kicking feild goals into my spleen right now."

Kelley glanced at Kayla momentarily, "Okay?"

Kayla stared at her incredulously, "Make. It. Stop. This is all your fault."

The only thing Kelley didn't like about Kayla being pregnant was that she was very mean.

"How is it all my fault?"

"You stuck your silly little dick in my vagina and then pumped til your hearts content until you came all over my cervix and now I'm pregnant. Oh my god are you trying to kill me? Is this your way of telling me you hate me? By getting me pregnant?!" There's tears in Kayla's eyes by the end of her rant and if there was a camera in this room with them Kelley would definitely be staring directly into it right now.

Kelley didn't like the mood swings either.

"It's not silly or little and you know that."

Kayla winced as another karate kick to her fucking spine made itself known.

Kelley rolled over inbetween Kayla's legs. Her face level with Kayla's protruding belly button. She placed her hands softly against either side of Kayla's stomach, smiling softly when she feels a light flutter across one of her palms.

"Hello demon, this is your captain speaking. Your mommy loves you a lot but she would love you even more if you stopped trying to kick her insides out. Only do it once in a while so we know you're still swimming around in your own fluids. Okay? You sort of have no choice to agree because again I'm your captain and your my co-pilot. You have to listen to me or else you get fired. Or at least I assume thats how that works." Kelley thought to herself before shrugging. That seemed sufficient. She waited for a few solid minutes, and when no more kicks come she smiled. She saluted Kayla's stomach before crawling up to her face.

She's not surprised to see more tears in her eyes, but only because she knows they're not the same tears of sadness from earlier.

"You're such a fucking dork. I love you so much." Kayla all but sobbed.

Kelley only laughed, "I love you too."

Kayla composed herself, she wrapped her arms around Kelley's neck to keep her from moving.

"Want to make a bet?"

"With you? No. You'll win."

"I bet that if this demon spawn looks like me the most I get to name her. And if she looks like you, vice versa."

"I mean sure but again, you're going to win."

Kayla only hummed in content.

"That was the least you could do, by the way. Talk to her so she doesn't rip me apart like Bella from Twilight."

Kelley laugh, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Like I said. This is all your fault. You did this to me."

"I don't remember you complaining."

"I was mad at you and was trying to prove a point."

"And what point was that?"

"I don't remember but I'm sure it was important at the time."

Kelley leaned over her with a dark glint in her eye and a smirk on her, "You want to try to prove it to me again?" She nibbled on Kayla's ear.

"While I look like a whale?"

"You do not look like a whale. You're super sexy like this. In fact, you look so great like this, as soon as this one is out. I'm going to put another one right back in."

Kayla giggled, "If you have a pregnancy kink just say that, baby." Kelley chuckled against your lips, "I'll never say that outloud."

And in case it wasn't obvious, Kelley definitely makes good on her promise.

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