The One With The Mother and Son

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"Didn't know where we were running to
but don't look back"

Abigail wrestled the large bag of equipment out of her small trunk. Her parents had offered to get her a bigger car, but she had been mooching off of them since she was born. She was determined to do this next phase of her life without any help.

"Need some help?"

Abigail shook her head vehemently at her best friend and co-worker. Maya decided to grab onto what was left in the trunk anyway.

"Why are you here? I thought you were missing because of something with your mom." Abby huffed as she lugged the bag to the pitch.

Maya ran a hand through her dark hair. She made a face Abigail didn't bother to read, "Ma went over to your parents house and I wasn't really...comfortable with joining her."

That gave Abigail a bit of pause, "Why not? You're always over there when I'm over there. It just would have been you, Aunt Hope, Mama, and Peyton."

Maya just blushed lightly and shook her head, "You look like you could use the help."

"It's only practice. Most of the parents stay and watch their kids. I'm head coach I can handle it."

"Yeah, well I'm here now. So accept my help." Maya, ever Hope's daughter, didn't leave room for debate.

Abigail rolled her eyes so hard Maya prayed they would fall out to teach her a lesson.

"Fine. You're assistant assistant coach, but my assistant coach isn't here today so or whatever."

"You're so eloquent."


Maya shook her head fondly, then crossed the field to where the children and their parents were gathering.

Abby flipped through her plans for the practice. She just about jumped three feet in the air when she is tapped on the shoulder.

She turned around and was met with easily the most beautiful woman she has ever seen wearing an apologetic albeit amused look on her face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"'s o-kay." Abigail couldn't wipe the wide-eyed look off of her face even if she tried.

There was a insanely gorgeous woman speaking to her. To herself. Of all the people this woman could talk to.

Abigail blinked in astonishment and confusion.

"Hello, I'm Mallory. Kyle's mother. Everyone calls me Mal." Abigail choked. That was such a pretty name for such a pretty woman.

Kyle? Who was Kyle? Abigail blinked again. Kicking herself out of her reverie. She looked around her breifly. Suddenly, remembering where she was. And who kyle was. Kyle was her star foward for her team. He was easily her favorite.

"Abigail. You can call me Abby."

Mallory nodded as though she already knew that, which she probably did.

"Aren't you a little young to be a head coach?"

"Aren't you a little young to be a mother?" As soon as the words left her mouth she began to pray for a stray soccer ball to hit her in the face.

She inherited her foot in mouth disease from Kelley.

But, by the grace of some higher being Abigail thinks she might have to start believing in, Mallory laughed, "touche."

And like she can't stop herself, Abigail began to tell Mallory exactly why she was a coach. A story, she seldom told anyone who didn't already know.

"Sophomore year of college, I messed up my knee really bad. The goalkeeper from the other team pretty much threw herself into my knee to keep me from scoring I guess. My chances of going pro were just about instantly shot. And you know what they, 'those who can't do, teach'. So, here I am." Abigail shrugged. She loved her job. She really did, but there would always be that sense of loss that she would probably never get rid of.

"Well, for what it's worth, I think you're doing a pretty great job here. You've been undefeated for the past two years. Kyle never shuts up about you. I decided I needed to finally see what all the hype was about." Mallory smiled shyly at her last words.

Abigail raised an eyebrow, her confidence some what coming back, "And did I meet your expectations?"

"Exceeded them, I'd say."

"I'm free later on today if you want to do any further research on whether I truly live up to the hype or not." She attempted to shrug indifferently.

Mal laughed, then smirked, "I'll think about it." She shook Abby's hand cheekily before walking away.

Abigail stared at the place Mal had been standing for a good two minutes before she opened the hand Mal had shook.

She raised an eyebrow at the small piece of paper she had been slipped. She flipped it over and was met with a note.

Call me

Abigail eyed the note and phone number with a confused smile. When did she have time to write that down?

She was left with no time to dwell on it as all of a sudden, all of her players ran up to her looking ready to be...coached.

And Abigail happily did.


Abby opened the door to her parents house with a sigh. She leaned back against the door as closed it.

She had been incredibly distracted the rest of practice. Her eyes drifting back to the woman she had met every chance she could get.

She felt different. She couldn't explain it but she felt different.

"Did you lock yourself out of your apartment again?" Kelley asked as she entered the livingroom. Kaleb was walking beside her, holding as many of his legos in his arms as he could.

"No. I needed to talk to you."

Kelley eyed her oldest curiously. She then gestured to the couch.

Abigail doesn't speak for all of 60 seconds.

"How'd you react to meeting Mom for first time?"

Kelley raised an eyebrow for second. She thought over her answer, then spoke.

"I thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and I couldn't stop from telling her literally everything about me. Including you. She was pretty much a complete stranger, but she asked me about you and I barely hesitated in telling her."

Abigail grew pensive, "When did you know she was supposed to be your mate?"

Kelley laughed at that, "Oh kid, your mom had me at hello."

Abigail's eyes widened and she mumbled to herself, "Oh no."

Vellichor (Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora