The One With Alex's Mental Break

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A.N. Short one for you. Next chapter back to the present and we get to meet everyone elses kids and more love interests!


"If you feeling like you need a little bit of company, you met me at the perfect time."

Kayla frowned at the frantic call she had just received. By Alex's rushed shouts into the phone, it was apparent that Cassandra had gone into labor, but she's not sure why Alex was freaking out so much.

All she had to do was stand there while Cass did all the work.

Kayla turned to Kelley with a sigh. Kelley, who had been trying to film a new video for her channel with Abby, tilted her head up with a concerned frown.

"I'm sorry, I know you need to post a video, but Cass is in labor, and Alex most definitely just left for the hospital without her."

Kelley only chuckled, she could film the video tomorrow. Her sponsor didn't care when she got the video out, jut that it did come out eventually.

She set all of Abby's toys to the side and gathered the girl in her arms. "Let's go, Babes."

"Where we go?" Abigail asked with a frown, she stared at her toys on the ground longingly. She had been in the middle of a rousing game of smash toy into other toy until something broke.

"Aunt Cass and Alex are going to have their baby, so we're going to the hospital." Kelley explained easily. She grabbed her car keys and waited for Kayla to step out of the apartment so she could lock the door.

"Baby? I want baby." Abby nodded affirmatively.

Kayla and Kelley blinked, they hadn't broached the subject of Abby having one soon, and Kayla wasn't showing enough for a toddler to notice something was off.

"...Only grownups can have babies." Kayla shrugged as Kelley looked at her questioningly.

Abby nodded. Apparently, that made enough sense to drop the topic.

Kelley and Kayla breathed a sigh of relief.


Alex was freaking out.

They had arrived at the hospital to see Alex pacing back and forth in front of Cassandra's room.

Her eyes looked like they were going to bug out of her head.

Kayla gathered Abby from Kelley's arms and sighed, "I'll let you handle that one." She patted her mate on the back encouragingly, then headed into the hospital room.

Kelley frowned. Alex tolerated her on a good day. What was she supposed to say to her?

She sidled up to the taller woman, Alex had since stopped pacing and was now leaning agaisnt the wall precariously. Her eyes staring straight ahead, unfocused.

"So...a kid, huh?" Kelley had never prided herself on being particularly articulate.

"Yes, Kelley. My wife is having our first child." Kelley's kind of surprised Alex had the wherewithal to be sarcastic.

"Then why aren't you in there with her?" It's a genuine question. Kelley's curious. She couldn't imagine not being in there with her omega when their ankle-biter finally arrived.

Alex side eyed Kelley for a second before sighing, "Because I'm scared."


"Something bad happening. I don't know what I'd do if I lost either of them."

Well, what the flying fuck is Kelley supposed to say to that?


"Wait, aren't you going to tell me to get over myself or something? To face my fears and be there for my wife and unborn child?" Alex blinked at Kelley who was now mimicking her position against the wall.

"I-no. You raised a good point. This is terrifying." Kelley stared into the distance thoughtfully.

It seems Alex doesn't hear her however as she steps away from the wall with renewed vigor, "Thanks, Kelley. I really needed that pep talk. You know, you're not that much of an asshole." Alex patted Kelley on the back harshly, then jogged into the hospital room with her wife.

"You're welcome?" Kelley asked a bit confused.

She's not really sure what just happened here, but she has the sudden urge to wrap her mate in bubble wrap. Consequences be damned.

(The consequences for trying to put your pregnant mate on house arrest end up being a ban on sex for a week. Kelley makes sure to let everyone know it was not worth it.)


A.N. Also, if you don't know, I posted a new Christen/OC story a couple of days ago and it would be nice if you checked it out. Thank you!

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