The One With Maya's Confession

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"They said, 'All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me'. They could care less as long as someone'll bleed."

Abigail eyed Maya oddly, she was letting Abigail win at Mario Kart and she never let Abigail win at Mario Kart. It was a sort of unspoken agreement they had. Maya won Mario Kart games on the Switch and Abigail won FIFA games on the Playstation. It was the only way they could justify purchasing both high-end consoles.

If you asked Abigail, she'd tell you that her and Maya had been forced into friendship almost like some sort of medieval betrothal. Their parents were best friends (though that was kind of hard to tell with the way Kelley and Hope talked to each other) and they were the firsts born, so in their minds it was only natural that their offspring be besties too.

And sure, 19 years later it had worked out for the better. They really were best friends. They told each other everything (within reason).

When Abby had lost her virginity to the Cheerleading captain her junior year, she had practically called Maya before it was even actually over.

And when Maya had gotten peer-pressured by Ryland and Michael to go to her first house party, then proceeded to get drunk like there was no tomorrow, she called Abby to come pick her up in fear that her mother would definitely murder her. Okay, she called Abby to come get Ryland and Mickey too, but it was mainly about her!

So, Abigail knew that look on Maya's face. That look that said I have something I desperately need to get off my chest. That look that said listen and don't comment when I'm done. And it was serving to irritate her that Maya was holding out on her for so long.

"Just say it." Abigail murmured just as a blue shell upended her go-kart.

Maya pursed her lips. She listened for their parents. Kelley and Hope were busy in the bathroom of Abigail's and Maya's apartment attempting to fix something they definitely did not know how to fix. She heard Hope curse and knew they would be in there for at least 45 more minutes.

"Hey uh, would you be mad if I slept with your sister?" Maya mumbled, she scratched at her chin awkwardly.

"No, but Taylor would probably beat your ass. And I'd just watch because you'd deserve it and it would be funny." Abby audibly giggled as she imagined the sight.

"...Not Ryland."

Abigail's go-kart slowly came to a stop on the screen. And suddenly, Maya was winning again as she desperately pressed accelerate as if she would be able to physically drive away from this conversation.

Abby turned her head toward Maya slowly, "Peyton? My baby sister? My kid fucking sister, Peyton Maureen O'Hara? Who is a baby and a child and evil and younger than you? And - and a kid? That Peyton?! My baby sister?!" 

Both of them are losing at Mario Kart now.

"She's only a year younger than me. She turns 18 literally next week! Why are you so mad?" Maya claimed exasperated.

If Abby knew Maya's "We Need to Talk" look, then Maya definitely knew Abby's "Take a Five Second Headstart" look.

Maya stupidly doesn't take her headstart.

She isn't exactly surprised when Abigail tackles her to the carpeted floor. She is surprised by her urge to fight back. She had never really been a fighter, but this feels different. This feels like she's fighting for her omega, which is stupid and out of left field and Peyton isn't even her omega, but she just can't help herself when her fist flies in the direction of Abigail's temple.

It missed of course. Like she said, she's never been much of a fighter.

"Maya." Her mother's growl is enough to get her to stop squirming underneath  Abigail. She mewled and cowered a fair bit. She may be an adult but her mother's growl was literally never not going to terrify her.

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