The One With The Make Up

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A.N. One more chapter left...

"It's not a walk in the park to love each other. But when our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny, you're worth it."

Kelley walked into the house slowly. Almost scared that Kayla would jump out at her and tell her to leave. Instead, she doesn't see anything.

Or rather no one in the front room.

The kids are off doing God knows what. As Kelley traipsed further into home she realized that Kayla wouldn't jump out at her. Kayla wouldn't do that because she cuddled deep under the comforter to their bed.

Kelley can see Kayla's face poking out from her desginated hole in the covers. And she sighs so heavily she almost collapes.

Kayla looks tired. Exhausted even. And Kelley knew it was all because of her. Because she was being stupid and stubborn and...well...her.

She kicked off her shoes and carefully joined Kayla onto the bed, careful not to wake her.

Kelley blew out a wisp of breath when Kayla subconsciously rolled into her side.

"Don't talk. I just want to sleep." Kayla whispered, and who was Kelley to deny her of that? Especially, considering she didn't know what she was going to say in the first place.

She has to keep a chuckle to herself as Kayla let out a short snore.


Kayla woke up feeling rejuvenated. Better than she had in months, let alone weeks.

She rolled onto her back, only to have something poke her in the middle of her shoulder blades.

Kelley let out a sound akin to a balloon releasing air.

"Kay? You're squishing me."

The something between her shoulder blades was Kelley's nose. Kayla had rolled directly on top of her.

"Sorry. You deserve it though." Kayla rolled off of her wife. Sliding into her original groove on the bed.

"I do, don't I?" It's not a question. They both know the answer.

Kayla nodded despite herself, "You do. Speaking of, what the flying fuck was that, Kelley?"

"I'm a hypocrite."

"You're telling me." Kayla mumbled under her breath.

"When I met you, I thought you were out of my league. I still think that actually. I thought you wouldn't want anything to do with me because I was single with a kid. I had already been with someone. I had thought you wouldn't be interested. Most people wouldn't have been at least. And then. You were interested. But there was always this thought in the back of my mind that it was only a matter of time before you came to your senses. Then, when I found out about Christen, I turned all of that insecurity back onto you. And I'm so sorry. I kept pushing it aside until it blew up, and doing that almost cost me you. I'm sorry. I'm over it. I love you more than I'll ever be able to explain to you in this lifetime."

Kayla sniffed but otherwise didn't say anything for awhile.

"Abby is just like you. Hot-headed. Head strong. Opinionated. Impulsive. That scares me."

"I guess we can only hope she learns from my mistakes."

Kayla grabbed Kelley's hand softly, "Our mistakes."

"Ryland is just like you so I don't have to worry about her. Peyton....We really need to check if she actually is an alien or not. Something's not-"

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