The One With The Mate

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"This summer's gonna hurt like a motherfucker"

"Taylor? As in Taylor Press? You think your mate is Taylor Press?" Kelley's eye twitched. This couldn't be happening. This was her worst nightmare come true. Ryland was her favorite. How could she do this to her?!

"Well, technically her last name is Heath-Press, but yeah same person." Ryland could see where this was going from a mile away. It was why she had been reluctant to tell her mother in the first place.

All she really knew was that her Mama had some type of beef with Taylor's Mom for no apparent reason. No one will tell her why and she doesnt think anyone ever will.

Kayla rolled her eyes at her wife. She waved a dismissive hand in Kelley's direction as if to say 'Don't mind her'. She then gestured for her daughter to get closer. She wrapped her in a hug.

"We're happy for you, Ry." Kayla had to hold back at least a tear or two. Her babies were growing up in front of her eyes.

And sure Ryland was 19 going on 20, she didn't even live in the house anymore, but still. She's her baby. They all are.

Kelley huffed, "Who is we? Christen Press' kid?! You couldn't have swung for Alex's kid or Hope's? Ashlyn's? Literally anyone else?" LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE.

"Aunt Ash doesn't have kids..."

Her eye is still twitching. In all honesty, she might have something stuck in it. She gestured for her mate to look at her eye just in case.

Ryland pouted at her mother, "Mama, that's not how this works and you know it. I know you two have your history or whatever but that has nothing to do with Taylor and I. She treats me nice and I love her. She's a good alpha."

Now the other eye is twitching.

"It's fine, Mama. I already told the kid if she messed up I'd kick her ass." Abigail shrugged. She was strewn across the couch, her leather jacket somehow crease-less even as she layed on it.

"That doesn't make me feel better." Kelley rolled her eyes at her oldest daughter. Abigail might be the tallest out of the 5 of them, but they had it on good authority that she was very fragile. Taylor Heath-Press would beat her ass.

Abby shrugged again, "Well, I tried." She turned back to the television she had been only sort of watching.

Peyton, who sat on the opposite end of the couch, watched her family silently. She was taking extensive mental notes on how this went for future references.

"Kelley, I'm sure everything will be alright. We'll invite Taylor and her family over for dinner and you can interrogate all you want." Kayla patted Kelley on the chest and kissed her cheek softly.

Kelley shook her head, still not the least bit thrilled with the day's turn of events. "Taylor Press is not your mate and that's final."

Ryland glared at her mother before hurrying to her room and slamming the door shut.

Peyton nodded to herself. She was going to say absolutely nothing about her alpha when the time came. Kelley would most definitely have another fit.

Kayla glared at her wife before turning on her heel. She pranced around the living room, looking for their youngest.

She found him in front of the TV, positively engrossed in whatever show Abby was watching.

She picked him up and cuddled him into her arms, "You won't ever grow up and leave me will you?"

The four year old shook his head, then buried it in Kayla's neck.

"Thank you, my beautiful baby boy. I don't know what I'd do." She kissed his cheek multiple times before setting him on Abby's chest, "Here, bother your sister until she remembers she's a grown woman with her own apartment."

Kaleb didn't listen, instead he layed his head down onto Abby chest and promptly fell asleep.

"Good going, Kaleb. Now she'll never leave." Peyton mumbled under her breath. Somehow Kayla still heard her if the swat to her head was anything to by.

"Hey! You just pretty much said the same thing."

"I'm an adult."

"I turn 18 next month!"


Peyton went to say something but Kayla gave her that look and she cleverly decided against it.

Kayla walked back over to her mate and pulled her into the secluded kitchen.

"Now why are you being stubborn?"

Kelley pouted, "I'm not being stubborn."

"Oh, then I'll go tell Ryland to invite Taylor over-"


"That's what I thought."

"I'm not being stubborn. I just don't want her dating a Press."

"Kelley. What has Christen ever done to you?"

"You! She did you!" Kelley exclaimed loudly. Luckily, there was a thick, close able door to the kitchen.

"That was almost 20 years ago. I thought we moved passed that." Kayla's voice softened. Who knew a decision she made would still be biting them in the ass 20 years later.

"I-we did. We did. But it's the principle of the thing. I don't know. I'm just not comfortable with it." Kelley's shoulders slumped.

Kayla hugged her wife tightly, "I think it's time we tell them. They're old enough. Hell, Abigail was there when it happened."

Kelley's nose scrunched in protest.

"Ryland will never be able to understand where you're coming from if she doesn't have all the facts." Kayla pecked Kelley on the lips lightly, her arms loosely folded around the alpha's neck.

Kelley nodded hesitantly, "Fine, but I reserve the right to pout the entire time."

Kayla laughed lightly, "You've got yourself a deal, Alpha."

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