The One With The Pregnancy

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A.N. Here is the second installment of Vellichor. For those of you waiting on the Christen story, it will get to you, I promise. But first I need to get further into my other books, I don't like the idea of having to update four active books at once. For future reference, almost every other chapter will be a flashback. Next chapter back to present day.

"Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin' and breathin'."

Kelley's conflicted.

On one hand she finds her pregnant mate extremely sexy, but on the other hand her pregnant mate is just so mean.

Sure Kelley maybe deserved part of it because she did get her pregnant on accident. Just Kelley things.

But also, it takes two to tango and if she's not mistaken Kayla was most definitely there when that happened and was not complaining. In fact, she was doing the complete opposite.

"Baaaabbbbbbeeeee!" Kayla whined from the bedroom.

Kelley sighed, Kayla was going to be the death of her.

"Yes?" Kelley inquired as she entered the bedroom.

Kayla was sprawled under the comforter comfortably. Kelley knew that this was the first time Kayla had been pregnant. She knew that this pregnancy was hard on her. It was one of the reasons the doctor had put her on bedrest.
"I wanna cuddle." Kayla pouted.

"Yes! I can do that!" Finally! A feasible request.

Kelley all but jumped into the bed with her mate. Seconds later she feels a weight landing on her side.

She looked down at her daughter and frowned, "I know you have a big girl bed now, but I still don't like the idea of you just getting out of it whenever you want to."

Abigail shrugged, "We cuddle?"

"Only because you're cute." Kelley lifted the three year old over her and inbetween the adults.

Abigail happily snuggled against Kayla's round belly.

Kayla sniffled.

"Oh no." Kelley mumbled.

Kayla sobbed.

Abigail frowned and looked at Kelley, "I hurt mommy?" Her bottom lip jutted out and wobbled a bit. Kelley had told her she had to be careful now so Kayla could grow her little sister, she didn't want to hurt her little sister.

"Oh no, baby, you didn't hurt me." Kayla said through her aggressive intakes of breath. She sobbed even harder.

"Kay, what's wrong?" Kelley is thinking about crying too now.

"She's so warm and I love her so much and she called me 'mommy'!" Kayla's hiccuping now.

"She's been doing that for months..."

"But it makes me so happy."

Kelley should have just been happy with her unfeasible tasks.


The day Kayla went into labor was the most terrifying day of Kelley's life. It's too early and things were moving too fast and Kayla looked too scared.

Kelley felt helpless.

But almost an entire 9 hours of screaming and Kayla cursing her out, she's holding a very tiny semi-healthy baby girl in her arms.

And she cried. She absolutely sobbed.

For a few different reasons. She cried for her mate. She went through so much to give Kelley this seemingly impossible gift. She cried for her newest daughter. She was finally tangible. Kelley could hold her and kiss her and love her. She cried for her oldest daughter. She would have killed to be in that room when Abigail was born. She missed the first ten days of her life. She didn't get to name her (she definitely wouldn't have named her Abigail) or hear her first cry and she never knew how much she desired that until now. But probably most of all, she cried because she was happy. She was just so happy.

"I think we made a deal." Kayla said tiredly. She observed her mate with their child, a small smile covering her lips.

"Huh?" Kelley mumbled distractedly. She was preoccupied with trying to pour every single ounce of love she could conjure into one single look, so this baby could possibly understand.

"We made a deal. I bet that if she looked like me the most, I got to name her, and if she looked like you, you could name her. So, what's her name?" Kayla asked, her hand lazily rubbing Abby's back as she slept next to her on the hospital bed.

"I-I she's like twenty minutes old, she doesn't look like either of us?"

"That's a lie and we both know it. Your genes are unnecessarily strong, have you seen Abigail? I'm sure it's like looking in a mirror. That baby you're holding looks like you if you had a really, really good tan. Now give me my baby's name."

Kelley's not gonna lie. She had been planning on losing the bet. She had not planned for this turn of events.

She racked her brain for every name she had ever thought was cool, "Ryland?"

"I can live with that." Kayla shrugged.

"Don't worry, Babe. You can get the next one." Kelley smiled that charming smile that she assumed Kayla loved.

Spoiler Alert: They all end up looking like really tanned Kelleys.

"I'll hold you to that. I do get middle name privileges now, which is what I was really concerned about."


"Ryland Hope O'Hara." Kayla smirked to herself. Kelley scowled.


"Awe, that's cute. You think it's up for debate."

Kelley pouted for the rest of the day.


Ryland is discharged from the NICU about a month later. Kelley freaked out then too.

"Does Baby know me yet?" Abigail asked as she peered into Ryland's crib. She had taken to calling the newborn 'Baby' instead of her name because well she's a three year old and that's what three year olds do.

"I don't think she knows much of anything, Kid." Kelley answered.

"She knows Mommy."

"Well, Mommy is her food so..."

Abigail looked horrified.

"Oh uh sorry not like that. It's-uh-the baby is not eating Kayla I could have said that better..."

Luckily, Kayla walked into the nursery behind them. She picked up Abigail and  set her on her hip. She briefly explained what Kelley had meant with a very useful cow analogy.

Kelley stared at the woman in awe. She had never really found it necessary for alphas and omegas to get married if they were already mated, but somehow Kayla had managed to change her mind without even talking to her.

She'll look for a ring as soon as she can.

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